期刊年份 | 期刊名稱 | 期刊類別 |
2023 | H.L. Chu, N.Y. Liu, and Albert Tsang,Country-Level Institutions and Transparency of Directors’ Information Disclosure: The Role of the Labor Market,Emerging Markets Finance and Trade,59(9),2928-2953. (SSCI) | |
2023 | H.L. Chu, S.C. Chiu, and N.Y. Liu,CEO Power and CSR: The Moderating Role of CEO Characteristics,China Accounting and Finance Review,25(1),101-121. | |
2023 | H.L. Chu, N.Y. Liu, and Albert Tsang,Labor Market Institutions, Environmental Disclosure, and Environmental Impacts,Journal of International Accounting Research,22 (2),31-55. (科技部國際會計期刊A-等級期刊) | |
2023 | 劉乃熒、朱炫璉、劉順仁,Goal Consensus, Subordinates’ Prior Performance, and Supervisors’ Resource Allocation Preferences,臺大管理論叢,民112年, 33 (3),1-34. (TSSCI) | |
2022 | H.L. Chu, S.C. Chiu, and N.Y. Liu,CEO Power and CSR: The Moderating Role of CEO Characteristics,China Accounting and Finance Review (forthcoming),, | |
2022 | 劉乃熒、朱炫璉,Climate Change Risk, Environmental Management, and Cost Stickiness,中華會計學刊,18卷2期,293-330. (TSSCI) | |
2022 | 劉乃熒、朱炫璉、劉順仁、邱碩志,分店經理共同參與設計績效指標是否有助於分店目標達成?,會計評論,75,1-39. (TSSCI) | |
2021 | 朱炫璉、葉淑玲、楊婷雯,公司策略與成本僵固性:高階經理人過度自信之調節角色,會計評論,72期,83-117. (TSSCI) | |
2021 | 朱炫璉、江家瑜、曾繁宇,薪酬委員會對績效敏感性與內控缺失關聯性之影響- 以台灣初次上市櫃及首次公開發行公司為例,當代會計,22 卷1 期,27-65. (TSSCI) | |
2020 | Y. C. Chen, and H. L. Chu,Empirical Research on the Function of Compensation Committees: The Influence of Family Control and Professional Managers.,Asia Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics,27(1),51-70. (SSCI, 科技部國際會計期刊A-等級期刊) | |
2019 | 池祥麟、吳泰熙、陳宥杉、黃啟瑞、柯文乾、林美珍、朱炫璉、詹場,台灣永續價值指數之建構方法及投資績效,企業管理學報,第 44 卷1 期,1-27 | |
2019 | H.L. Chu, Y. L. Chen, and Y.L. Chiou,A field study on the impact of a net-sales based incentive plan and centralized inventory management ,Asia Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics,26 (1-2),108-123. (SSCI, 科技部國際會計期刊A-等級期刊) | |
2019 | N.Y. Liu, S. Z. Liu, and H.L. Chu,Estimating the Effect of a Fit-Focused Employee Selection Program, Journal of Management Accounting Research,31(2),159-175. (科技部國際會計期刊ATier-1等級期刊) | |
2019 | 江家瑜、朱炫璉、黃勝堅,特色醫療整合之合併綜效-以臺北市立聯合醫院為例,管理評論,38卷1期,103-121. (TSSCI) | |
2017 | 朱炫璉、陳彥綺、劉乃熒、王慧君,自願性與強制性設置薪酬委員會對高階經理人薪酬績效敏感性之影響,中華會計學刊,13(2),1-39。(TSSCI) | |
2016 | 朱炫璉、陳彥綺、劉乃熒、吳品萱,薪酬委員會品質、高階經理人現金紅利薪酬與企業績效關聯性之研究,當代會計,17(1),63-89。(TSSCI) | |
2015 | C.Y. Chiang, H.L.Chu, and J.C. Romeis,The Effect of Physician Financial Incentives on the Effectiveness of Diagnosis Related Group-Based Prospective Reimbursement System,Health Services Management Research,28(3-4),67-75. (科技部管理一學門「醫務管理」領域推薦之國際學術期刊) | |
2013 | H.L.Chu and CY Chiang,The Effects of Strategic Hospital Alliances on Hospital Efficiency,Service Industries Journal,33(6),624-635. (SSCI) | |
2013 | N.Y. Liu, H. L. Chu, and C. C. Liao,The relationship between a physician incentive plan and departmental performance in a Taiwan hospital,Journal of Hospital Administration,2(3),79-90 | |
2012 | 朱炫璉、劉順仁、劉乃熒,The Relationship between a Buyer Incentive Scheme and Purchasing Performance,當代會計,13(1),1-25。(TSSCI) | |
2011 | H. L. Chu, S. Z. Liu, and J. C. Romeis,Assessing the Effects of Drug Price Reduction Policies on Older People in Taiwan,Health Services Management Research,24(1),1-7. (科技部管理一學門「醫務管理」領域推薦之國際學術期刊) | |
2011 | H. L. Chu, C.C. Cho, and S. Z. Liu,Effects of Unbalanced Incentive Measures on Buyer Performance-An Empirical Study in Taiwan,International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management,60(8),844–856 | |
2010 | 朱炫璉、高惠松、李怡穎,實施作業基礎成本管理與公司績效之關聯性,當代會計,11卷1期,1-24 | |
2010 | H.L. Chu, S.Z. Liu, and J.C. Romeis,Do Drug Price Adjustment Policies Work? The Impact of Physician Financial Incentive Plans on the Implementation of Drug Cost Containment Mechanisms,Drug Information Journal,44(2),189-198. (SCI) | |
2009 | H.L. Chu, C.C. Wang, and S.F. Shiu,Effect of Participating in Taiwan Quality Indicator Project on Hospital Efficiency in Taiwan,The Journal of Health Care Finance,35(4),32-41. (科技部管理一學門「醫務管理」領域推薦之國際學術期刊) | |
2009 | 朱炫璉、吳志銘,台灣金融控股組織對銀行效率之影響,台灣管理學刊,9(1),97-114 | |
2009 | H.L. Chu, C.C. Wang, and Y.T. Dai,A Study of a Nursing Department Performance Measurement System: Using the Balanced Scorecard and the Analytic Hierarchy Process,Nursing Economic$,27(6),401-407. (SCI) | |
2008 | H.L. Chu and S.Z. Liu,The Impact of Manager Promotion Programs on Store Performance: Evidence from 3C Chain Stores in Taiwan,Service Industries Journal,28(9-10),1215-1224. (SSCI) | |
2008 | H.L. Chu, S.Z. Liu, and J.C. Romeis,Changes in Prescribing Behaviors after Implementing Drug Reimbursement Rate Reduction Policy in Taiwan: Implications for the Medicare,The Journal of Health Care Finance,34(3),45-54. (科技部管理一學門「醫務管理」領域推薦之國際學術期刊) | |
2008 | H.L. Chu, S.Z. Liu, and J.C. Romeis,The Effect of Physician Financial Incentives on the Effectiveness of the Taiwan’s Outpatient Drug Co-payment Policy,Drug Information Journal,42(5),493-502. (SCI) | |
2007 | 朱炫璉、鄭珍如,以層級分析法衡量平衡計方卡之指標權重並評估某政府機關績效管理制度之實證研究,管理學報,24卷6期,689-705。(TSSCI) | |
2007 | 朱炫璉、許郁青,獎酬制度與經營績效之關係:以某3C零售業者為個案公司,當代會計,8卷1期,35-50 | |
2004 | H.L. Chu, S.Z. Liu, and J.C. Romeis,Does Capitated Contracting Improve Efficiency: Evidence from California Hospitals,Health Care Management Review,29(4),344-352. (SSCI, 科技部管理一學門「醫務管理」領域推薦之國際學術期刊) | |
2003 | H.L. Chu, S.Z. Liu. J.C. Romeis, and C.L. Yaung,The Initial Effects of Physician Compensation Programs in Taiwan Hospitals: Implications for Staff Model HMOs,Health Care Management Science,6(1),17-26 | |
2002 | 劉順仁、李玉春、朱炫璉,西醫基層總額支付制度下醫療經濟指數之建立與應用,台灣醫學,3月,157-164 | |
2002 | H.L. Chu, S.Z. Liu, and J.C. Romeis,Does the Implementation of Responsibility Centers, Total Quality Management, and Physician Fee Programs Improve Hospital Efficiency - Evidence from Taiwan Hospitals ,Medical Care,40(12),1233-1237. (SSCI, 科技部管理一學門「醫務管理」領域第一級國際學術期刊) |
研討會舉行年份 | 論文發表篇名 |
2022 | H.L. Chu, Albert Tsang, C.W. Chang,Media Spotlight and CSR: The Moderating Role of the Legal System,Asia Pacific Management Accounting Association 2022 Annual Conference,, |
2022 | H.L. Chu, N.Y. Liu, and Albert Tsang,Labor Market Institutions, Environmental Disclosure, and Environmental Impacts,The 2022 JIAR (The Journal of International Accounting Research) conference,, |
2022 | 朱炫璉、江家瑜、李冠頡,競業禁止條款與創新:高階經理人任期之調節效果,2022當代會計研討會,, |
2021 | H.L. Chu, M. Yu, and C.Y. Chiang,Non-Compete Agreements and Innovation: The Moderating Effect of CEO Tenure,Asia Pacific Management Accounting Association 2021 Annual Conference,, |
2021 | H.L. Chu, L. Yu, and Y.L. Chiou,Non-compete Agreements and Corporate Social Responsibility: The Moderating Effect of CEO Tenure,2021 Taiwan Accounting Association Annual Conference,, |
2019 | H.L. Chu, /S.C. Chiu, and /Albert Tsang,CSR and Firm Value: The role of CEO Characteristics.,2019會計理論與實務研討會,, |
2019 | H.L. Chu,/S.C. Chiu,/Albert Tsang.,CEO Overconfidence and Corporate Social Responsibility: The roles of CEO Age and Gender.,Asia Pacific Management Accounting Association 2019 Annual Conference,Qatar,Qatar |
2018 | 朱炫璉、邱碩志、劉乃熒,Can Employee Participation in Choosing Performance Measures Improve Incentive Plan Effectiveness. USA, 2018.,2018 Accounting Association Annual Meeting,華盛頓,美國 |
2017 | H.L. Chu, S.C. Chiu, and N.Y. Liu ,Can Employee Participation in Choosing Performance Measures Improve Incentive Plan Effectiveness,Asia Pacific Management Accounting Association 2017 Conference,上海,中國 |
2017 | H.L. Chu, Y.L. Chen, and Y.L. Chiou,A Field Study of the Impact of Changes to a Net Sales-based Incentive Plan and Centralized Inventory Management,2017會計理論與實務研討會,臺北,臺灣 |
2017 | H.L. Chu, Y.L. Chen, and Y.L. Chiou ,A Field Study of the Impact of Changes to a Net Sales-based Incentive Plan and Centralized Inventory Management,2017會計理論與實務研討會,臺北,臺灣 |
2017 | H.L. Chu, S.C. Chiu, and N.Y. Liu,Can Employee Participation in Choosing Performance Measures Improve Incentive Plan Effectiveness,Asia Pacific Management Accounting Association 2017 Conference,上海,中國 |
2016 | H.L. Chu, Y.L. Chiou, and W. C. Chiou,Managerial ability and overinvestment,APMAA 2016 Annual Conference,臺北,臺灣 |
2016 | 鄭桂蕙、邱彥毅、朱炫璉,內部稽核屬性與公司治理,2016會計理論與實務研討會,雲林,臺灣 |
2015 | H.L.Chu and C.Y. Chiang,The Effects of Different Merging Strategies on Hospital Efficiency- Evidence from Taiwan Hospitals,2015 Accounting Association Annual Meeting,芝加哥,美國 |
2015 | H.L.Chu, and C.C. Cho, S.Z. Liu, and N.Y. Liu,The Impact of performance measure properties on the relationship between incentive intensity and firm performance-evidence from the real estate brokerage chain in Taiwan,2015 Accounting Association Annual Meeting,芝加哥,美國 |
2015 | H.L.Chu, C.Y. Chiang, and N.Y. Liu,The Impact of the First Build-Operate-Transfer Mode on hospital Performance: Evidence from hospitals in Taiwan,Accounting Association Annual Meeting,芝加哥,美國 |
2014 | 朱炫璉、陳彥綺、王慧君,薪酬委員會品質對高階經理人薪酬與公司績效關聯性影響之研究,26屆亞太研討會及2014會計理論與實務研討會,台北,臺灣 |
2014 | H.L. Chu, Y.C. Chen, and N.Y. Liu,The Impact of the Revised Financial Accounting Standard No.10 on the Relationship between Inventory Management Ability and Financial Performance of Companies in Taiwan,APMAA 2014 Annual Conference,None,泰國 |
2014 | H.L.Chu and CY Chiang, and James C.Romeis,The Effect of Physician Financial Incentives on the Effectiveness of Diagnosis Related Group-Based Prospective Reimbursement System,Accounting Association Annual Meeting,亞特蘭大,美國 |
2013 | 朱炫璉、江家瑜、謝宜君,我國首例BOT 醫院經營績效之探討,2013 會計理論與實務研討會,台北,臺灣 |
2012 | 朱炫璉、江家瑜,The Effect of Physician Financial Incentives on the Effectiveness of Diagnosis Related Group-Based Prospective Reimbursement System,2012會計理論與實務研討會,台北,臺灣 |
2012 | 朱炫璉、卓佳慶、劉順仁、劉乃熒,The Role of Employee Skills in Moderating the Impact of Incentive Plan on Store Performance,2012會計理論與實務研討會,台北,臺灣 |
2011 | 朱炫璉、陳彥綺,新十號公報對企業績效之影響:存貨管理之中介效果,2011會計理論與實務研討會,台北,臺灣 |
2010 | H.L. Chu, N.Y. Liu, and C.C. Liao,The Relationship between a Physician Incentive Plan and Hospital Performance,APMAA 2010 Annual Conference,台北,臺灣 |
2010 | H.L. Chu, N.Y. Liu, and C.C. Liao,The Relationship between a Physician Incentive Plan and Hospital Performance,APMAA 2010 Annual Conference,台北,臺灣 |
出版日期 | 書名 |
2021 | Chu, H.L. and S.C. Chiu,”The Stages of Management Accounting Evolution in Taiwan’s Hotel Industry: Evidence from Taipei City” in Management Accounting in China and Southeast Asia edited by Rickards, R. C., Ritsert, R., and K.Terdpaopong. 2021. Germany: Springer Nature Switzerland AG. |
經費補助單位 | 計畫名稱 | 計畫執行開始日期 | 擔任角色 |
科技部 | 不同合併策略醫院績效之影響 | 2014 | 主持人 |
科技部 | ESG資訊透明度的決定因素:高階經理人特性與國家層級特性所扮演的角色 | 2022/08/01 | 主持人 |
科技部 | 企業策略對所有權結構及管理者特性與成本行為關聯性之調解效果 | 2018/8/1 | 主持人 |
科技部 | 企業社會責任與公司價值:公司特性與高階經理人特性 | 2019/8/1 | 主持人 |
教育部 | 再造人文社會科學教育發展計畫 | 2016 | 共同主持人 |
台灣證券交易所 | 公司治理評鑑系統實施之成效 | 2015 | 共同主持人 |
任職開始日期 | 任職結束日期 | 經歷類別 | 服務機關名稱 | 職務 |
2024-06-07 | 2026-06-08 | 專業顧問 | 明基三豐醫療器材股份有限公司 | 獨立董事、審計委員會委員 |
2024-05-29 | 2025-05-29 | 專業顧問 | 盟立自動化股份有限公司 | 獨立董事、審計委員會委員 |
2024-05-28 | 2027-05-27 | 專業顧問 | 眾福科技股份有限公司 | 獨立董事、審計委員會委員、薪酬委員會委員 |
2024-03-19 | 2026-06-08 | 專業顧問 | 明基三豐醫療器材股份有限公司 | 薪酬委員會委員 |
2024-03 | 迄今 | 專業顧問 | 金融監督管理委員會 | 會計師懲戒委員會委員 |
2024-02 | 迄今 | 專業顧問 | 臺灣證券交易所 | 有價證券上市審議委員會外部審議委員 |
2023 | 迄今 | 專業顧問 | 台北市政府衛生局 | 台北市市立醫療院所醫療基金監督管理委員會委員 |
2021-08-17 | 2024-12-31 | 專業顧問 | 台灣土地銀行 | 常務董事 |
2020 | 2022 | 專業顧問 | Asia Pacific Management Accounting Association annual conference | Taiwan Chair |
2019 | 迄今 | 專業顧問 | 當代會計(TSSCI) | 編輯委員 |
2019 | 迄今 | 專業顧問 | 安永會計師事務所 | 安永企業家獎獨立評審團委員 |
2019 | 2022 | 專業顧問 | 經濟部 | 經濟部所屬事業移轉民營評價會諮詢委員 |
2018-09 | 2018-12-01 | 專業顧問 | 美國加州爾灣大學Paul Merage School of Busines | 訪問學者 |
2018 | 2022 | 專業顧問 | 會計師懲戒覆審委員會 | 覆審委員 |
2018 | 2022 | 專業顧問 | 金融監督管理委員會 | 會計師懲戒委員會覆審委員 |
2017 | 2022 | 專業顧問 | Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Journal Editorial advisory and review board | Editorial advisory and review board |
2017 | 2021 | 專業顧問 | 會計學報 | 編輯委員 |
2016 | 2016 | 專業顧問 | Asia Pacific Management Accounting Association annual conference | 2016年會主席 |
2016 | 2020 | 專業顧問 | Asia Pacific Management Accounting Association Executive | 副理事長 |
2016 | 2016 | 專業顧問 | 雲林科技大學 | 105年度管理學院會計系自我評鑑之內部評鑑委員 |
2016 | 2016 | 專業顧問 | 國家考試院 | 考試院典試委員 |
2015 | 2022 | 專業顧問 | 台北市政府衛生局 | 台北市市立醫療院所醫療基金監督管理委員會委員兼常務委員 |
2015 | 迄今 | 專業顧問 | 證券櫃臺買賣中心 | 審議委員 |
2014 | 2018 | 專業顧問 | 信義房屋 | 顧問 |
獲獎年度 | 獲獎項目 | 頒發單位 |
2022 | 111年度學術研究獎助 | 臺北大學 |
2021 | 110年度學術研究獎助 | 臺北大學 |
2020 | 績優導師 | 臺北大學 |
2020 | 109年度學術研究獎助 | 臺北大學 |
2019 | 第七屆論文獎學術組「銀獎」論文 | 中華民國會計師公會全國聯合會 |
2018 | 期刊發表研究獎勵 | 會計系 |
2018 | 2018穩懋當代會計碩士論文獎最佳論文 | 當代會計 |
2017 | The best paper award of 2017 APMAA Annual conference | Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association |
2016 | 期刊發表研究獎勵 | 會計系 |
2015 | 績優導師 | 台北大學 |
2014 | 期刊發表研究獎勵 | 會計系 |