2015 |
黃瓊慧,Innate Accruals Quality, Accounting Conservatism, and Capital Structure,International Conference on Business and Information,Hawaii,U.S.A |
2014 |
Hsin, Y., Y. Chiu, and C. Huang,Pay-to-performance Sensitivity,Business and Information,Bali,Indonesia |
2013 |
Huang, C., H. Yu, and H. Chen,The Impact of Information Transparency on Information Transfer,Business and Information 2013,Bali,Indonesia |
2010 |
黃瓊慧、林書羽,財務報表重編對盈餘預測準確性變化之影響,2010會計理論與實務研討會,中華會計教育學會,None,臺灣 |
2010 |
Huang, C., T. Chi, and K. Cheng,A Study on the Earnings Quality of GTSM-TWSE Transfer Firms,International Conference on Economics and Business,None,India |
2009 |
黃瓊慧、紀子程,事務所規模與產業專精度對審計品質之影響,2009會計理論與實務研討會,None,臺灣 |
2008 |
王貞靜、黃瓊慧、王蘭芬,從研發投資與籌資能力探討負盈餘公司之評價,2008會計理論與實務研討會,None,臺灣 |
2007 |
黃瓊慧,陳政芳,陳信吉,管理當局預測與關聯產業資訊移轉,21世紀會計專業會計產業與會計揭露專題論文發表研討會,台北,臺灣 |
2007 |
黃瓊慧、紀登順,金融商品財務報導之價值攸關性,2007海峽兩岸現代會計論壇,湖北武漢,中國 |
2007 |
黃瓊慧,單騰笙,李先莉,基本稅額與盈餘管理,2007會計理論與實務研討會,台北,臺灣 |
2007 |
Huang, Chunghuey & Hsin-Chi Chen,On the association between executive stock bonus and voluntary establishment of independent directors and supervisors,2007 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting,Chicago,USA |
2007 |
Huang, C., and L. Hsien-Li,How Do Investors React to?the Releases of the Information Disclosure and Transparency Ranking ??System?,2007 Annual Conference of Taiwan Finance Association,None,Taiwan |
2006 |
黃瓊慧、高惠松,從捷思偏誤探討券商盈餘預測有限理性之行為,2006 會計理論與實務研討會,台北,臺灣 |
2006 |
黃瓊慧、王貞靜,媒體與企業危機預警,財務會計與租稅實務國際學術研討會,高雄市,臺灣 |
2006 |
Huang, C. and M. Wang,The Value Relevance of Economic Value Added and Intellectual Capital,The Oxford Business & Economics Conference,None,England |
2006 |
黃瓊慧、王茂昌,經濟附加價值與智慧資本之價值攸關性,2006 企業管理國際學術論壇暨研討會,台中市,臺灣 |
2006 |
黃瓊慧、陳信吉,獨立董監與員工股票分紅,第七屆中小企業管理研討會,嘉義縣,臺灣 |
2006 |
Huang, C. and H. Chen,Independent Directors, Returns to Shareholders, and Executive Compensation,Annual Conference of Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand,None,New Zealand |
2006 |
黃瓊慧、王茂昌,經濟附加價值與智慧資本之價值攸關性,2006企業管理國際學術論壇暨研討會論文集,台中市,臺灣 |
2006 |
黃瓊慧、劉沂佩,董監質押比與盈餘管理關聯性之探討,2006當代會計暨管理論壇研討會,台中市,None |
2001 |
黃瓊慧、林宛瑩、戴群芳,企業經營績效對經理人自願性揭露行為之影響,None,None,None |
2000 |
黃瓊慧、林雯瑜,盈餘宣告之垂直資訊移轉,None,None,None |
2000 |
Huang, C. and Y. Hou,,Performance evaluation of Credit Unions in Taiwan,None,None,None |
1999 |
黃瓊慧,盈餘管理對年度淨利資訊內涵影響之研究,None,None,None |
1998 |
Huang, C,The Impact of CPA Review and Mandatory Disclosure on Earnings Forecast Accuracy,None,None,None |
1998 |
黃瓊慧,會計師核閱與強制揭露對盈餘預測準確性之影響,None,None,None |
1995 |
Huang, C., and J. Han,The Information Content of Corporate Annual Filings With the SEC,,None,None,None |
1995 |
黃瓊慧,公開說明書財務預測準確性之研究,None,None,None |