2024 |
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2023 |
Chu, H.L., N.Y. Liu, and S.C. Chiu*,CEO Power and CSR: The Moderating Role of CEO Characteristics.,China Accounting and Finance Review,25(1),101-121 |
2023 |
Lin, H. C., S.C. Chiu*, and S.H. Wang,Political Investments and the Winner of Government Grants,Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies ,26(2),2350015 |
2022 |
Liu, N.Y., H.L. Chu, S.J. Liu, and S.C. Chiu*,Does the Co-Development of Performance Measures with Branch Managers Improve Branch Target Achievement?,Journal Accounting Review,75,1-39 |
2022 |
Peng, C.W. and S.C. Chiu*,The Impact of International Work Experience, Functional Background and Career Concerns on CEO Investment Decisions,Pacific Accounting Review ,Vol. 34 No. 2,310-332 |
2022 |
Chiu, S.C.* H. C. Lin, C.C. Chien, and C.C. Liang.,Does Form 20-F Reconciliation Elimination for IFRS Fillers Affect the Risk Forecasting Ability of Accounting Numbers?,Journal of Contemporary Accounting & Economics,18(3),100333 |
2021 |
Chu, H.L. and S.C. Chiu*,The Stages of Management Accounting Evolution in Taiwan’s Hotel Industry: Evidence from Taipei City,Management Accounting in China and Southeast Asia ,Chapter 5,109-126 |
2021 |
Chu, H.L./ S.C. Chiu*. ,Management Accounting in China and Southeast Asia Stages of Management Accounting Evolution in Taiwan’s Hotel Industry: Evidence from Taipei City,,,109~126 |
2020 |
Chien,C.C., C.F. Lee, and S.C. Chiu*,The Revision of Systematic Risk on Earnings Announcement in the Presence of Conditional Heteroscedasticity,Handbook of Financial Econometrics, Mathematics, Statistics, and Machine Learning,Chapter 53,1969-1990 |
2019 |
Chen, Y.S./ She-Chih Chiu*/ S.M. Lin/ and K.H. Wu,Corporate Social Responsibility and Income Smoothing: Supply Chain Perspectives,Journal of Business Research,97,76-93 |
2019 |
Lin, H.C./ S.H. Liang / She-Chih Chiu*/ and C.Y. Chen,Leverage and Employee Compensation – The Perspective of Human Capital,International Journal of Managerial Finance,15 (1):,62-78 |
2017 |
Lin, H. C. / She-Chih Chiu*,Tradeoff on Corporate Cash Holdings: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis.,Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting,49(3),727-763 |
2017 |
Chiu, She-Chih / H.C. Lin / C.S. Wang,The Impact of Investments in Pollution Reduction on Shareholder Wealth: Evidence from Taiwanese Manufacturing Companies.,Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management,24(6),676-691 |
2017 |
Chiu, She-Chih* / C.C. Chien / H.C. Lin,Audit Quality Following the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board’s Operation.,Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society,17(5),927-946 |
2016 |
Chien, C.C. / C.F. Lee / She-Chih Chiu*,Does Corporate Governance Curb Managers’ Opportunistic Behavior of Exploiting Inside Information for Early Exercise of Executive Stock Options?,Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies,19(1),1-22 |
2016 |
Chang, M. L. / T. Y. Yen / She-Chih Chiu / Y. Chen,Tax Aggressiveness and Firm’s Cash Holdings: The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility,International Research Journal of Applied Finance,7,19-37 |
2016 |
Lin, H. C. / C.C. Chien / She-Chih Chiu*,The Impact of Value Relevant Accounting Rules on Corporate Innovative Activities.,R&D Management,46(5),872-886 |
2015 |
Lin, H. C. / She-Chih Chiu* / S.H. Chuang,Does IFRS Have Higher Predictive Ability than US GAAP in IPO Valuation?,Korean Accounting Review,40,275-297 |