2021 |
Tai, C./W. Chen,Accounting Policy Choice on Income Smoothing: Evidence from Voluntary Fair Value Option and Risk-Related Incentives in Executive Compensation,2021中華會計教育學會年會—後疫情資訊溝通科技之會計審計變革國際研討會,, |
2020 |
Tai, C.,/W. Chen,Accounting Policy Choice Regarding the Fair Value Option and Executive Compensation: The Role of Equity Incentives,The Thirteenth TSC Thesis Award,, |
2016 |
陳維慈與蔡佩儒,公允價值選擇權之採用對盈餘波動性之影響,2016當代會計碩士論文獎研討會,台北市,台灣 |
2016 |
Chen, W., L. Hsiao, and C. Tai,Accounting for Long-Lived Assets and Systematic Risk,Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association 2016(12th) Annual Conference,Taipei,Taiwan |
2016 |
Chen, W., L. Hsiao, and C. Tai,Accounting for Long-Lived Assets and Systematic Risk.,2016 AAA Annual Meeting.,New York,,U.S.A. |
2016 |
Hsiao, L. W. Chen, C. Liu, and C. Lin.,The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Financial Risk,Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association 2016(12th) Annual Conference,Taipei,Taiwan |
2015 |
Chen, W. and C. W Tai,The Effect of Managerial Ability on Earnings Quality in the pre- and post-IFRS Adoption Periods,Third Middle East Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and Banking,Dubai,UAE |
2015 |
Chen, W. and C. W Tai,The Effect of Managerial Ability on Earnings Quality in the pre- and post-IFRS Adoption Periods,2015會計理論與實務研討會,臺南市,臺灣 |
2014 |
Chen, W., Y. Chang, and L. Hsiao.,Does the Fair Value Option Mitigate or Motivate Banks’ Reliance on Loan Loss Provisions for Income Smoothing?,Joint Conference of 26th Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues and 2014 Accounting Theory and Practice Conference,Taipei,Taiwan |
2014 |
Chen, W., C. Chiang, Y. Chen, and C. Tai.,The Change in Managerial Incentives on the Choice of Valuation Methods for Long-lived Assets: Pre- versus Post-IFRS Adoption Period.,Joint Conference of 26th Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues and 2014 Accounting Theory and Practice Conference,Taipei,Taiwan |
2013 |
Chen, W., and L. Hsiao,The Effect of Fair Value Accounting for Long-lived Assets on Information Risk.,25th Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues,Indonesia,Indonesia |
2013 |
Chen, W., Y. Chang, and L. Hsiao.,Does the Fair Value Option Mitigate or Motivate Banks’ Reliance on Loan Loss Provisions for Income Smoothing?,2013會計理論與實務研討會,Taipei,Taiwan |
2013 |
Chen, W., C. Chiang, Y. Chen, and C. Tai,The Change in Managerial Incentives on the Choice of Valuation Methods for Long-lived Assets: Pre- versus Post-IFRS Adoption Period.,25th Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues,Bali,Indonesia |
2012 |
Chen, W., W. Chou, and C. Lee.,The Managerial Incentives on the Choice of Accounting Policy for Long-lived Assets: the U.K. Evidence.,2012會計理論與實務研討會,台北:臺灣大學,臺灣 |
2011 |
Chen, W, L. Hsiao, C. Chiang, and C. Liu,An Investigation of Revalued Long-Lived Assets under TSFAS No. 35,2011會計理論與實務研討會,台北:政治大學,臺灣 |
2011 |
Chen, W., L. Hsiao, and C. Chiang,Information Asymmetry and Accounting for Asset Impairments: the U.S. Evidence,2011會計理論與實務研討會,台北:政治大學,臺灣 |
2010 |
Chen, W,Market Valuation of Banks’ Loan Securitizations Disclosures,2010會計理論與實務研討會,台北:淡江大學,臺灣 |
2010 |
Chen, W., and H. H. Tseng,Evidence of Income Smoothing from Securitized Loans and Loan Loss Provisions: Real Transactions vs. Accruals,2010 KAA Annual Summer/International Conference,Busan,Korea |
2009 |
Chen, W., and H. H. Tseng,Evidence of Income Smoothing from Securitized Loans and Loan Loss Provisions: Real Transactions vs. Accruals,2009會計理論與實務研討會,台南:成功大學,臺灣 |
2009 |
陳維慈、謝仁莉,資產減損損失與迴轉之資訊內涵,2009當前會計理論與實務研討會,台北:銘傳大學,臺灣 |
2007 |
Chen, W., C. Liu, and S. G. Ryan,Characteristics of Securitizations that Determine Issuers’ Retention of the Risks of the Securitized Assets,None,Columbia University、Uiversity of Houston、 University of Iowa、 Rutgers University、 New York University,U.S.A. |
2007 |
陳維慈、劉啟群、張儒欣,股權私募之折價因素:資訊假說之再檢視,2007會計理論與實務研討會,三峽:臺北大學,臺灣 |
2006 |
Chen, W., and C. Liu.,The Informativeness of Financial Asset Securitization Activities on Predicting Bank Risk,2006會計理論與實務研討會,臺北:東吳大學,臺灣 |
2006 |
Chen, W., and C. Liu.,Determinants of Financial Asset Securitization Activities Engaged by Originating Banks: Evidence from U.S. Market,2006財務會計與租稅實務國際學術研討會,高雄:義守大學,臺灣 |
2005 |
劉啟群、陳維慈、林純央、程珮雯,購併資訊市場反應之研究-以台灣金融控股公司為例,2005會計理論與實務研討會,臺北:臺灣大學,臺灣 |
2004 |
劉啟群、陳維慈、林純央,台灣金融控股公司換股比例評價之研究,2004會計理論與實務研討會,臺北:政治大學,臺灣 |