
期刊年份 期刊名稱
2022 Chien-Chih Kuo / Chih-Ying Wu, Workplace ostracism and job performance: The moderated mediation model of organization-based self-esteem and performance goal orientation, Career Development International, 27(2), 260-273
2020 Chih-Ying Wu / Chien-Chih Kuo / Chia-Wu Lin / Wan-Hsien Hu / Chia-Yen Wu / Sheng Cheng, How does benevolent leadership lead to work–family enrichment? The mediating role of positive group affective tone, Stress and Health, 34(6), 496-506
2020 Chia-Wu Lin / Shen-Tzu Hsu / Wan-Hsien Hu / Chih-Ying Wu [林家五 / 許伸梓 / 胡宛仙 / 吳志英], Baseball fans’ perception of identity, identification, and loyalty behavior to teams: A moderated mediation model of team image [棒球球迷對球隊之認定知覺、球隊認同感及球隊忠誠行為之關連性分析:球隊形象之調節式中介模式], Bulletin of Sport and Exercise Psychology of Taiwan [臺灣運動心理學報], 20(3), 21-41
2018 Chien-Chih Kuo / Chih-Ying Wu / Chia-Wu Lin, Supervisor workplace gossip and its impact on employees, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 33(1), 93-105


研討會舉行年份 論文發表篇名
2023 Chih-Ying Wu / Fan-Hsuan Liu, The Positive side of procrastination at work: The role of slacking behaviour, The 2023 Taiwan Association of Industrial and Organizational Psychology International Conference, Taipei, Taiwan
2023 Bright Malema Mbeye / Chia-Wu Lin / Po-Han Lee / Chih-Ying Wu, Antecedents of financial wellbeing and consequences on work engagement: A moderated mediation approach, The 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, United States
2022 Chih-Ying Wu / Shao-Pei Wu, The impact of authoritarian leadership on employees’ accountability and job performance: The moderating role of social power, 15th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference, Bordeaux, France
2022 Chih-Ying Wu, Competitive presenteeism: A job demands-resources approach, 15th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference, Bordeaux, France
2021 Chih-Ying Wu, Competitive presenteeism: The impact of authoritarian leadership and employee health, The British Psychological Society Annual Conference 2021, Online, United Kingdom
2021 Chih-Ying Wu, Competitive presenteeism: An exploratory study, The 2021 Taiwan Association of Industrial and Organizational Psychology International Conference, Online, Taiwan
2015 ,,,Taichung,Taiwan


出版日期 書名


經費補助單位 計畫名稱 計畫執行開始日期 擔任角色
科技部 競爭性假性出席:概念關係網絡分析 2019/02/01 主持人
科技部 競爭性假性出席:以工作要求資源模式探討 2020/08/01 主持人
科技部 假性休假:量表發展及關聯網絡模型之建立 2021/08/01 主持人
國科會 家長式領導風格與競爭性假性出席:以社會訊息處理取向探討 2023/08/01 主持人


年度 經歷類別 服務機關名稱 職務
2024/01/15 審查人 本土心理學研究
2023/11/7 審查人 Journal of Knowledge Management
2022/09/24 審查人 中華心理學刊
2021/11/08 審查人 管理學報


獲獎年度 獲獎項目 頒發單位