期刊年份 | 期刊名稱 |
2024 | Chun-Yu Lin, Piyaporn Sukdanont, Chung-Kai Huang,Working from home: An attempt to enhance employees’ work attitudes through the benefits of teleworking.,Journal of Business Administration 企業管理學報(ABI) ,49(1),(1025-9627) |
2024 | Wei-Yuan Lo, Chun-Yu Lin, Yu-Shan Chen, What makes people share knowledge? An investigation on the roles of organizational learning culture, creative self-efficacy, and organizational identification. ,Corporate Management Review陽明交大管理學報. (TSSCI). ,, |
2023 | Meng-Chen Zhang, Chun-Yu Lin, Ying Wei ,Natural resources exploration, efficiency of energy resources and financial development: Resources sector analysis via least square with structural breaks., Resources Policy (SSCI), 85,104010 |
2022 | Tai-Wei Chang, Yu-Shan Chen,Chun-Yu Lin,The Myth of Organizational Change Process: A Study of Uniting Organizational Identity, Promoting Organizational Performance, and Member Behavior. ,SAGE Open (SSCI) ,12(1),1-20 |
2022 | Wei-Yuan Lo,Yu-Kai Lin,Chun-Yu Lin,Hsiang-Ming Lee,Invisible Erosion of Human Capital: The Impact of Emotional Blackmail and Emotional Intelligence on Nurses’ Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention. ,Behavioral Sciences (SSCI),13(1),37 |
2022 | Lin, C. Y., Huang, C. K., Li, H. X., Chang, T. W., & Hsu, Y. C. (2022). ,Will they stay or leave? Interplay of organizational learning culture and workplace mindfulness on job satisfaction and turnover intentions.,Public Personnel Management, ,51(1),24-47 |
2021 | Chun-Yu, Lin & Chung-Kai, Huang,Employee turnover intentions and job performance from a planned change: The effects of an organizational learning culture and job satisfaction,International Journal of Manpower (SSCI),42(3),409-423 |
2020 | Chun-Yu Lin & Chung-Kai Huang,Understanding the antecedents of knowledge sharing behavior and its relationship to team effectiveness and individual learning,Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (SSCI),36(2),89-104 |
2020 | Chung-Kai Huang/Chang-Hua Chen/Ching-Yuan Chang/Chun-Yu Lin (通訊作者),Technology acceptance, growth needs, and pedagogical usability as factors influencing teachers’perception and use of the geometer’s sketchpad software.,Journal of Educational Research and Development (TSSCI),16(2),95-133 |
2020 | Chung-Yu Lin, Chung-Kai Huang,Employee turnover intentions and job performance during a planned change: The effects of organizational learning culture and job satisfaction,International Journal of Manpower (SSCI),Accepted,Accepted |
2020 | Chun-Yu Lin, Chung-Kai Huang, & Chao-jung Ko,The impact of perceived enjoyment on team effectiveness and individual learning in a blended learning business course: The mediating effect of knowledge sharing,Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (SSCI),36(1),126-141 |
2019 | Chen, Yu-Shan, Shu-Hsien Lin, Chun-Yu Lin, Shu-Tzu Hung, Chih-Wei Chang, & Ching-Wen Huang,Improving Green Product Development Performance from Green Vision and Organizational Culture Perspectives,Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management (SSCI),27(1),222-231 |
2019 | Chun-Yu Lin, Chung-Kai Huang, & Hao Zhang,Enhancing employees' job satisfaction via e-learning: The mediating role of organizational learning culture,International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction (SSCI),35(7),384-395 |
2017 | Wen-Jeng Lin,Chun-Yu Lin,Yu-Hsuan Chang(通訊作者),The impact of coaching orientation on subordinate performance: The moderating of implicit person theory and LMX,Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources (SSCI),55,86-105 |
2017 | Chung-Kai Huang & Chun-Yu Lin(通訊作者),Flipping business education: Transformative use of teambased learning in human resource management classrooms,Journal of Educational Technology & Society (SSCI),20(1),323-336 |
2016 | Yu-Shan Chen, Tai-Wei Chang, Chun-Yu Lin, Pi-Yu Lai and Kuan-Hung Wang,The Influence of Proactive Green Innovation and Reactive Green Innovation on Green Product Development Performance: The Mediation Role of Green Creativity,Sustainability (SSCI),8(10),966 |
2015 | Chun-Yu Lin, Chung-Kai Huang,Leveraging HRD competencies and roles to improve managers’performance,The Journal of Global Business Management (ABI),11(1),13-26 |
2013 | Chun-Yu Lin*, Sun Joo Yoo,Managers' information seeking behaviors during organizational change: A pre- and post-event analysis,South Asian Journal of Management (ProQuest, EBSCO),20(4),7-30 |
2011 | Chung-Kai Huang, Chun-Yun Lin,Enhancing classroom interactivity and engagement: CFL learners' perceptions of the application of Web 2.0 technology,International Journal on E-learning (Scopus),42(6),E141-E144 |
2011 | 林俊佑*, 黃仲楷,網路輔助中文混合學習課程設計與評鑑:使用者觀點探討研究,British Journal of Educational Technology (SSCI),46(3),85-115 |
2010 | Chung-Kai Huang, Chun-Yu Lin, Yueh-Hui Chiang,Incorporating competency-based blended learning in a Chinese language classroom: A Web 2.0 Drupal module design,,9(4),529-548 |
Lin C-Y/ Huang C-K/Chen C-H,Barriers to the adoption of ICT in teaching Chinese as a foreign language in US universities. ,ReCALL (SSCI),26(1),100-116 | |
Chung-Yu Lin, Chung-Kai Huang ,Employee turnover intentions and job performance during a planned change: The effects of organizational learning culture and job satisfaction. ,International Journal of Manpower (SSCI),42(3),409-423 | |
Wei-Yuan Lo, Chun-Yu Lin, Yu-Shan Chen,What makes people share knowledge? An investigation on the roles of organizational learning culture, creative self-efficacy, and organizational identification.,Corporate Management Review 陽明交大管理學報,Accepted,Accepted | |
Chun-Yu Lin, Chung-Kai Huang, Hung-Xin Li, Tai-Wei Chang, and Yu-Chia Hsu,Will They Stay or Leave? Interplay of Organizational Learning Culture and Workplace Mindfulness on Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intentions,Public Personnel Management (SSCI),Accepted,Accepted |
研討會舉行年份 | 論文發表篇名 |
2024 | Chun-Yu Lin, Chung-Kai Huang, Chin-Chuan Lee, Skylar Chun-Ju Hsu,Investigating the Relationships among Abusive Supervision, Subordinates’ Emotional Exhaustion, Work Engagement, and Cyberloafing., UFHRD2024 Conference,Lisbon,Portugal |
2024 | Chun-Yu Lin, Chung-Kai Huang, Thu Hien La Thi,Green human resource, organizational CSR climate, and workplace employee behaviors. ,2024 AHRD International Research Conference in the Americas,Arlington,USA |
2024 | Chung-Kai Huang, Chun-Yu Lin, Chia-Wen Chang, Wei-Yuan Lo,The Impact of Supervisors’ Lack of Mentor Expertise on Subordinates’ Emotional Labor and Job Embeddedness. ,UFHRD2024 Conference,Lisbon,Portugal |
2024 | Chun-Yu Lin, Chung-Kai Huang, Nguyen Quynh Huong,Unleashing Creativity: Examining the Impact of Authentic Leadership, Organizational Learning Culture, Team Creativity Climate on Employee Creative Effort and Job Performance in Vietnam., 2024 AHRD International Research Conference in the Americas,, Arlington,USA |
2019 | Chun-Yu Lin/ Chung-Kai Huang/ Yi-Sheng Kuo,Investigating the Effect of Socially Responsible Human Resource Management on Employee Ethical Behavior,20th International Conference on HRD Research and Practice Development across Europe,,United Kingdom |
2019 | Chun-Yu Lin/Ya-Ting Lu/Chung-Kai Huang,Examining the Relationship between Knowledge Workers’ Learning Goal Orientation, Organizational Commitment, and Organizational Learning Culture,W International Conference on Innovation and Management,,Korea |
2019 | Chun-Yu Lin/ Pei-En Tsengb/Chung-Kai Huang,Leader-member Exchange and Team Effectiveness: The Mediating Role of Self-efficacy,20th International Conference on HRD Research and Practice Development across Europe,,United Kingdom |
2019 | Chun-Yu Lin/Maria Jose Piñon Ulloa/Chung-Kai Huang/Li-Yang Lin,Learning organization in Mexican contexts: The importance of learning organization on employees’ job satisfaction and work behavior,20th International Conference on HRD Research and Practice Development across Europe,,United Kingdom |
2019 | Chun-Yu Lin/Hsin-Yi Chien/Chung-Kai Huang,The impact of workload and proactive personality on principals’ work-family conflict and job satisfaction,20th International Conference on HRD Research and Practice Development across Europe,,United Kingdom |
2019 | Chun-Yu Lin/Yan-Wei Lin/Chung-Kai Huang,The impact of knowledge workers’ learning goal orientation on feedback seeking behavior and organizational learning culture,W International Conference on Innovation and Management,,Korea |
2019 | Chun-Yu Lina/Tzu-Hsuan Tong/Chung-Kai Huang,Knowledge Workers’ Organizational Commitment and Turnover Intention: The Roles of Organizational Learning Culture and Leader-Member Exchange Quality,20th International Conference on HRD Research and Practice Development across Europe,,United Kingdom |
2019 | Chun-Yu Lin/Jing Chen/Chung-Kia Huang,Examining the Mediating Effect of Innovative Work Behavior on Learning Goals Orientation and Organizational Learning Culture,W International Conference on Innovation and Management,,Korea |
2018 | Chung-Kai Huang/Chun-Yu Lin/ Zih-Cin Lin/Cui Wang,The impact of team-based learning on team effectiveness and individual learning in flipped classrooms.,2018 AHRD International Research Conference,,USA |
2018 | Chun-Yu Lin/Chung-Kai Huang/ Zih-Cin Lin/Cui Wang,Examining the mediating effect of job satisfaction on organizational learning culture, turnover intention and in-role behavior,2018 AHRD International Research Conference,,USA |
2017 | Chung-Kai Huang/ Chun-Yu Lin/Zih-Cin Lin/Cui Wang,Roles, strategies and impact of MOOCs in flipping business education.,2017 ICEduTECH: International Conference on Educational Technologies,,Australia |
2017 | Chung-Kai Huang/Chun-Yu Lin/Hao Zhang,Business Education 4.0: Pedagogical use and affordances of flipped learning and MOOCs in teambased professional development.,2017 AHRD International Research Conference,,USA |
2017 | Chun-Yu Lin/Yu-Chia Hsu/Chung-Kai Huang,The Impact of Organizational Learning Culture on Turnover Intention: the Mediating Role of Team Learning Behavior,2017 AHRD International Research Conference in the Americas,,USA |
2016 | Chun-Yu Lin/Wei-Yan Chin/Chung-Kai Huang,The Impact of Organizational Learning Culture on Turnover Intention and In-role Behavior: the Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction.,臺北大學企業管理學系學術研討會,,台北 |
2016 | Chun-Yu Lin/Chung-Kai Huang/Chun-Yu Lin,The effect of organizational learning culture in moderating engineers' work attitudes via elearning in the workplace,UFHRD,,UK |
2016 | Chun-Yu Lin/Chung-Kai Huang/Chun-Yu Lin,The effect of organizational learning culture in moderating engineers' work attitudes via elearning in the workplace,UFHRD,,UK |
2015 | Chung-Kai Huang/Chun-Yu Lin/Chan-Ching Kuo,Understanding job satisfaction and organizational commitment through team learning behavior and socialization processes in a changing environment,Annual International Conference on Human Resource Management and Professional Development for the Digital Age,, |
2015 | Chun-Yu Lin/Chung-Kai Huang/Jian-Xi Lu,Linking self-efficacy to organizational identification: The roles of task interdependence,Annual International Conference on Human Resource Management and Professional Development for the Digital Age,, |
2015 | Chun-Yu Lin, Chung-Kai Huang, Liang Wei-Tsi,Proactive behavior in organizational change: The moderating effect of team learning behavior,研發會論文發表,,The Netherlands |
2015 | Chun-Yu Lin,Chung-Kai Huang,Jian-Xi Lu,Linking self-efficacy to organizational identification: The roles of task interdependence,研發會論文發表,,Singapore |
2015 | Chun-Yu Lin/Chung-Kai Huang,/ Wei-Tsi Liang,Proactive behavior in organizational change: The moderating effect of team learning behavior,Annual International Conference on Human Resource Management and Professional Development for the Digital Age,,Singapore |
2015 | Huang, Y-K., & Lin, C.-Y.,Motives and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Examining Moderating Roles of Age and Tenure,研發會論文發表,,Singapore |
2014 | Chung-Kai Huang/Chun-Yu Lin/Daniel Steve Villarreal,Challenges and opportunities for business communication: A Facebook approach conundrum,2014 EuroCALL,, |
2014 | Huang, C.-K., Lin, C.-Y. & Villarreal, D.,Contextual language learning: Educational potential and use of social networking technology in higher education,研發會論文發表,, |
2014 | Huang, C.-K., Lin, C.-Y. & Villarreal, D.,Challenges and opportunities for business communication: A Facebook approach conundrum,研發會論文發表,, |
出版日期 | 書名 |
經費補助單位 | 計畫名稱 | 計畫執行開始日期 | 擔任角色 |
運用企業經營模擬遊戲翻轉企業管理課程-探究大學生團隊合作、團隊效能與個人學習成效之關係 | 主持人 | 科技部 | |
運用企業經營模擬遊戲翻轉企業管理課程-探究大學生團隊合作、團隊效能與個人學習成效之關係 | 主持人 | 科技部 | |
科技部 | 運用磨課師翻轉商業教育訓練與發展:人力資源課程設計 | 2015 | |
科技部 | 數位科技輔助偏鄉學校數學教學之研究 | 2014 | |
科技部 | 探討運用混合課程設計引導學生團隊合作、知識分享與學習成效 | 2016 | |
科技輔助學習系統對組織學習文化與工作態度的影響 | 主持人 | 科技部 | 主持人 |
科技輔助學習系統對組織學習文化與工作態度的影響 | 主持人 | 科技部 | 主持人 |
工業4.0下之課程與人才再造: 企業經營模擬系統之導入與效用評估 | 共同主持人 | 科技部 | |
工業4.0下之課程與人才再造: 企業經營模擬系統之導入與效用評估 | 共同主持人 | 科技部 | 主持人 |
年度 | 經歷類別 | 服務機關名稱 | 職務 |
2017/03 | 學會、研討會 | 第11屆飛鳶盃全國商管個案競賽 | 評審 |
2017 | 試務相關委員 | 臺北大學碩士班入學 | 管理學 |
2016/08 | 委員會委員 | 企業管理學系 | 臺北大學衛生暨膳食委員 |
2016/06 | 其他 | 逢甲大學商管教於創新中心 | 個案審查委員 |
2016/03 | 學會、研討會 | 第10屆飛鳶盃全國商管個案競賽 | 評審 |
2016/02 | 試務相關委員 | 臺北大學博士班學科考試命題委員 | 組織與人力資源管理 |
2016 | 學會、研討會 | 2016台北大學企管系學術研討會 | 審查委員 |
2015/11 | 試務相關委員 | 經濟部所屬事業機構新進職員甄試命題委員 | 企業管理 |
2015/08 | 委員會委員 | 企業管理學系 | 企管系課程委員會委員 |
2015/08 | 試務相關委員 | 臺北大學博士班學科考試命題委員 | 組織與人力資源管理 |
2005/07 | 試務相關委員 | 臺北大學碩士班入學 | 管理學 |
獲獎年度 | 獲獎項目 | 頒發單位 |