
期刊年份 期刊名稱
2024 Chun-Yu Lin, Piyaporn Sukdanont, Chung-Kai Huang,Working from home: An attempt to enhance employees’ work attitudes through the benefits of teleworking.,Journal of Business Administration 企業管理學報(ABI) ,49(1),(1025-9627)
2024 Wei-Yuan Lo, Chun-Yu Lin, Yu-Shan Chen, What makes people share knowledge? An investigation on the roles of organizational learning culture, creative self-efficacy, and organizational identification. ,Corporate Management Review陽明交大管理學報. (TSSCI). ,,
2023 Meng-Chen Zhang, Chun-Yu Lin, Ying Wei ,Natural resources exploration, efficiency of energy resources and financial development: Resources sector analysis via least square with structural breaks., Resources Policy (SSCI), 85,104010
2022 Tai-Wei Chang, Yu-Shan Chen,Chun-Yu Lin,The Myth of Organizational Change Process: A Study of Uniting Organizational Identity, Promoting Organizational Performance, and Member Behavior. ,SAGE Open (SSCI) ,12(1),1-20
2022 Wei-Yuan Lo,Yu-Kai Lin,Chun-Yu Lin,Hsiang-Ming Lee,Invisible Erosion of Human Capital: The Impact of Emotional Blackmail and Emotional Intelligence on Nurses’ Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention. ,Behavioral Sciences (SSCI),13(1),37
2022 Lin, C. Y., Huang, C. K., Li, H. X., Chang, T. W., & Hsu, Y. C. (2022). ,Will they stay or leave? Interplay of organizational learning culture and workplace mindfulness on job satisfaction and turnover intentions.,Public Personnel Management, ,51(1),24-47
2021 Chun-Yu, Lin & Chung-Kai, Huang,Employee turnover intentions and job performance from a planned change: The effects of an organizational learning culture and job satisfaction,International Journal of Manpower (SSCI),42(3),409-423
2020 Chun-Yu Lin & Chung-Kai Huang,Understanding the antecedents of knowledge sharing behavior and its relationship to team effectiveness and individual learning,Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (SSCI),36(2),89-104
2020 Chung-Kai Huang/Chang-Hua Chen/Ching-Yuan Chang/Chun-Yu Lin (通訊作者),Technology acceptance, growth needs, and pedagogical usability as factors influencing teachers’perception and use of the geometer’s sketchpad software.,Journal of Educational Research and Development (TSSCI),16(2),95-133
2020 Chung-Yu Lin, Chung-Kai Huang,Employee turnover intentions and job performance during a planned change: The effects of organizational learning culture and job satisfaction,International Journal of Manpower (SSCI),Accepted,Accepted
2020 Chun-Yu Lin, Chung-Kai Huang, & Chao-jung Ko,The impact of perceived enjoyment on team effectiveness and individual learning in a blended learning business course: The mediating effect of knowledge sharing,Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (SSCI),36(1),126-141
2019 Chen, Yu-Shan, Shu-Hsien Lin, Chun-Yu Lin, Shu-Tzu Hung, Chih-Wei Chang, & Ching-Wen Huang,Improving Green Product Development Performance from Green Vision and Organizational Culture Perspectives,Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management (SSCI),27(1),222-231
2019 Chun-Yu Lin, Chung-Kai Huang, & Hao Zhang,Enhancing employees' job satisfaction via e-learning: The mediating role of organizational learning culture,International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction (SSCI),35(7),384-395
2017 Wen-Jeng Lin,Chun-Yu Lin,Yu-Hsuan Chang(通訊作者),The impact of coaching orientation on subordinate performance: The moderating of implicit person theory and LMX,Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources (SSCI),55,86-105
2017 Chung-Kai Huang & Chun-Yu Lin(通訊作者),Flipping business education: Transformative use of teambased learning in human resource management classrooms,Journal of Educational Technology & Society (SSCI),20(1),323-336
2016 Yu-Shan Chen, Tai-Wei Chang, Chun-Yu Lin, Pi-Yu Lai and Kuan-Hung Wang,The Influence of Proactive Green Innovation and Reactive Green Innovation on Green Product Development Performance: The Mediation Role of Green Creativity,Sustainability (SSCI),8(10),966
2015 Chun-Yu Lin, Chung-Kai Huang,Leveraging HRD competencies and roles to improve managers’performance,The Journal of Global Business Management (ABI),11(1),13-26
2013 Chun-Yu Lin*, Sun Joo Yoo,Managers' information seeking behaviors during organizational change: A pre- and post-event analysis,South Asian Journal of Management (ProQuest, EBSCO),20(4),7-30
2011 Chung-Kai Huang, Chun-Yun Lin,Enhancing classroom interactivity and engagement: CFL learners' perceptions of the application of Web 2.0 technology,International Journal on E-learning (Scopus),42(6),E141-E144
2011 林俊佑*, 黃仲楷,網路輔助中文混合學習課程設計與評鑑:使用者觀點探討研究,British Journal of Educational Technology (SSCI),46(3),85-115
2010 Chung-Kai Huang, Chun-Yu Lin, Yueh-Hui Chiang,Incorporating competency-based blended learning in a Chinese language classroom: A Web 2.0 Drupal module design,,9(4),529-548
Lin C-Y/ Huang C-K/Chen C-H,Barriers to the adoption of ICT in teaching Chinese as a foreign language in US universities. ,ReCALL (SSCI),26(1),100-116
Chung-Yu Lin, Chung-Kai Huang ,Employee turnover intentions and job performance during a planned change: The effects of organizational learning culture and job satisfaction. ,International Journal of Manpower (SSCI),42(3),409-423
Wei-Yuan Lo, Chun-Yu Lin, Yu-Shan Chen,What makes people share knowledge? An investigation on the roles of organizational learning culture, creative self-efficacy, and organizational identification.,Corporate Management Review 陽明交大管理學報,Accepted,Accepted
Chun-Yu Lin, Chung-Kai Huang, Hung-Xin Li, Tai-Wei Chang, and Yu-Chia Hsu,Will They Stay or Leave? Interplay of Organizational Learning Culture and Workplace Mindfulness on Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intentions,Public Personnel Management (SSCI),Accepted,Accepted


研討會舉行年份 論文發表篇名
2024 Chun-Yu Lin, Chung-Kai Huang, Chin-Chuan Lee, Skylar Chun-Ju Hsu,Investigating the Relationships among Abusive Supervision, Subordinates’ Emotional Exhaustion, Work Engagement, and Cyberloafing., UFHRD2024 Conference,Lisbon,Portugal
2024 Chun-Yu Lin, Chung-Kai Huang, Thu Hien La Thi,Green human resource, organizational CSR climate, and workplace employee behaviors. ,2024 AHRD International Research Conference in the Americas,Arlington,USA
2024 Chung-Kai Huang, Chun-Yu Lin, Chia-Wen Chang, Wei-Yuan Lo,The Impact of Supervisors’ Lack of Mentor Expertise on Subordinates’ Emotional Labor and Job Embeddedness. ,UFHRD2024 Conference,Lisbon,Portugal
2024 Chun-Yu Lin, Chung-Kai Huang, Nguyen Quynh Huong,Unleashing Creativity: Examining the Impact of Authentic Leadership, Organizational Learning Culture, Team Creativity Climate on Employee Creative Effort and Job Performance in Vietnam., 2024 AHRD International Research Conference in the Americas,, Arlington,USA
2019 Chun-Yu Lin/ Chung-Kai Huang/ Yi-Sheng Kuo,Investigating the Effect of Socially Responsible Human Resource Management on Employee Ethical Behavior,20th International Conference on HRD Research and Practice Development across Europe,,United Kingdom
2019 Chun-Yu Lin/Ya-Ting Lu/Chung-Kai Huang,Examining the Relationship between Knowledge Workers’ Learning Goal Orientation, Organizational Commitment, and Organizational Learning Culture,W International Conference on Innovation and Management,,Korea
2019 Chun-Yu Lin/ Pei-En Tsengb/Chung-Kai Huang,Leader-member Exchange and Team Effectiveness: The Mediating Role of Self-efficacy,20th International Conference on HRD Research and Practice Development across Europe,,United Kingdom
2019 Chun-Yu Lin/Maria Jose Piñon Ulloa/Chung-Kai Huang/Li-Yang Lin,Learning organization in Mexican contexts: The importance of learning organization on employees’ job satisfaction and work behavior,20th International Conference on HRD Research and Practice Development across Europe,,United Kingdom
2019 Chun-Yu Lin/Hsin-Yi Chien/Chung-Kai Huang,The impact of workload and proactive personality on principals’ work-family conflict and job satisfaction,20th International Conference on HRD Research and Practice Development across Europe,,United Kingdom
2019 Chun-Yu Lin/Yan-Wei Lin/Chung-Kai Huang,The impact of knowledge workers’ learning goal orientation on feedback seeking behavior and organizational learning culture,W International Conference on Innovation and Management,,Korea
2019 Chun-Yu Lina/Tzu-Hsuan Tong/Chung-Kai Huang,Knowledge Workers’ Organizational Commitment and Turnover Intention: The Roles of Organizational Learning Culture and Leader-Member Exchange Quality,20th International Conference on HRD Research and Practice Development across Europe,,United Kingdom
2019 Chun-Yu Lin/Jing Chen/Chung-Kia Huang,Examining the Mediating Effect of Innovative Work Behavior on Learning Goals Orientation and Organizational Learning Culture,W International Conference on Innovation and Management,,Korea
2018 Chung-Kai Huang/Chun-Yu Lin/ Zih-Cin Lin/Cui Wang,The impact of team-based learning on team effectiveness and individual learning in flipped classrooms.,2018 AHRD International Research Conference,,USA
2018 Chun-Yu Lin/Chung-Kai Huang/ Zih-Cin Lin/Cui Wang,Examining the mediating effect of job satisfaction on organizational learning culture, turnover intention and in-role behavior,2018 AHRD International Research Conference,,USA
2017 Chung-Kai Huang/ Chun-Yu Lin/Zih-Cin Lin/Cui Wang,Roles, strategies and impact of MOOCs in flipping business education.,2017 ICEduTECH: International Conference on Educational Technologies,,Australia
2017 Chung-Kai Huang/Chun-Yu Lin/Hao Zhang,Business Education 4.0: Pedagogical use and affordances of flipped learning and MOOCs in teambased professional development.,2017 AHRD International Research Conference,,USA
2017 Chun-Yu Lin/Yu-Chia Hsu/Chung-Kai Huang,The Impact of Organizational Learning Culture on Turnover Intention: the Mediating Role of Team Learning Behavior,2017 AHRD International Research Conference in the Americas,,USA
2016 Chun-Yu Lin/Wei-Yan Chin/Chung-Kai Huang,The Impact of Organizational Learning Culture on Turnover Intention and In-role Behavior: the Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction.,臺北大學企業管理學系學術研討會,,台北
2016 Chun-Yu Lin/Chung-Kai Huang/Chun-Yu Lin,The effect of organizational learning culture in moderating engineers' work attitudes via elearning in the workplace,UFHRD,,UK
2016 Chun-Yu Lin/Chung-Kai Huang/Chun-Yu Lin,The effect of organizational learning culture in moderating engineers' work attitudes via elearning in the workplace,UFHRD,,UK
2015 Chung-Kai Huang/Chun-Yu Lin/Chan-Ching Kuo,Understanding job satisfaction and organizational commitment through team learning behavior and socialization processes in a changing environment,Annual International Conference on Human Resource Management and Professional Development for the Digital Age,,
2015 Chun-Yu Lin/Chung-Kai Huang/Jian-Xi Lu,Linking self-efficacy to organizational identification: The roles of task interdependence,Annual International Conference on Human Resource Management and Professional Development for the Digital Age,,
2015 Chun-Yu Lin, Chung-Kai Huang, Liang Wei-Tsi,Proactive behavior in organizational change: The moderating effect of team learning behavior,研發會論文發表,,The Netherlands
2015 Chun-Yu Lin,Chung-Kai Huang,Jian-Xi Lu,Linking self-efficacy to organizational identification: The roles of task interdependence,研發會論文發表,,Singapore
2015 Chun-Yu Lin/Chung-Kai Huang,/ Wei-Tsi Liang,Proactive behavior in organizational change: The moderating effect of team learning behavior,Annual International Conference on Human Resource Management and Professional Development for the Digital Age,,Singapore
2015 Huang, Y-K., & Lin, C.-Y.,Motives and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Examining Moderating Roles of Age and Tenure,研發會論文發表,,Singapore
2014 Chung-Kai Huang/Chun-Yu Lin/Daniel Steve Villarreal,Challenges and opportunities for business communication: A Facebook approach conundrum,2014 EuroCALL,,
2014 Huang, C.-K., Lin, C.-Y. & Villarreal, D.,Contextual language learning: Educational potential and use of social networking technology in higher education,研發會論文發表,,
2014 Huang, C.-K., Lin, C.-Y. & Villarreal, D.,Challenges and opportunities for business communication: A Facebook approach conundrum,研發會論文發表,,


出版日期 書名


經費補助單位 計畫名稱 計畫執行開始日期 擔任角色
運用企業經營模擬遊戲翻轉企業管理課程-探究大學生團隊合作、團隊效能與個人學習成效之關係 主持人 科技部
運用企業經營模擬遊戲翻轉企業管理課程-探究大學生團隊合作、團隊效能與個人學習成效之關係 主持人 科技部
科技部 運用磨課師翻轉商業教育訓練與發展:人力資源課程設計 2015
科技部 數位科技輔助偏鄉學校數學教學之研究 2014
科技部 探討運用混合課程設計引導學生團隊合作、知識分享與學習成效 2016
科技輔助學習系統對組織學習文化與工作態度的影響 主持人 科技部 主持人
科技輔助學習系統對組織學習文化與工作態度的影響 主持人 科技部 主持人
工業4.0下之課程與人才再造: 企業經營模擬系統之導入與效用評估 共同主持人 科技部
工業4.0下之課程與人才再造: 企業經營模擬系統之導入與效用評估 共同主持人 科技部 主持人


年度 經歷類別 服務機關名稱 職務
2017/03 學會、研討會 第11屆飛鳶盃全國商管個案競賽 評審
2017 試務相關委員 臺北大學碩士班入學 管理學
2016/08 委員會委員 企業管理學系 臺北大學衛生暨膳食委員
2016/06 其他 逢甲大學商管教於創新中心 個案審查委員
2016/03 學會、研討會 第10屆飛鳶盃全國商管個案競賽 評審
2016/02 試務相關委員 臺北大學博士班學科考試命題委員 組織與人力資源管理
2016 學會、研討會 2016台北大學企管系學術研討會 審查委員
2015/11 試務相關委員 經濟部所屬事業機構新進職員甄試命題委員 企業管理
2015/08 委員會委員 企業管理學系 企管系課程委員會委員
2015/08 試務相關委員 臺北大學博士班學科考試命題委員 組織與人力資源管理
2005/07 試務相關委員 臺北大學碩士班入學 管理學


獲獎年度 獲獎項目 頒發單位