
期刊年份 期刊名稱
2023 游志青、黃文曄、麥瑜軒,企業社會責任活動與品牌忠誠度之關聯性研究 – 從消費者觀點的探討,商管科技季刊,24 (2),219~249
2018 W.Y. Huang & J.C. Ho,Improving Moral Reasoning among College Students: A Game-Based Learning Approach,Interactive Learning Environments,26(5),583~596
2018 W.Y. Huang,Influence of Transparency on Employees' Ethical judgments: A Case of Russia.,Journal of Business Ethics,152(4),1171~1189
2014 W.Y. Huang & A.J. Dubinsky,Measuring customer pre-purchase satisfaction in a retail setting.,The Service Industries Journal,,34(3),212-229
2014 W. Y. Huang, C. Y. Huang, & A. J. Dubinsky,The impact of guanxi on ethical perceptions: The case of Taiwanese salespeople.,Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing,21(1),1~17
2014 S. Min, W.Y. Huang, & A. J. Dubinsky,Incentive pay for team selling: A model with propositions.,Global Journal of Management and Business Research,,14(3),1~13


研討會舉行年份 論文發表篇名
2020 Chung Mo Lee, Wen-yeh Huang, Louis Y.Y. Lu, Chih-Ping Chen,Exploring the Development of Social Marketing Academic Research from the Perspective of Innovation Diffusion,Northeast Decision Sciences Institute 2020 Annual Conference,,UK
2018 Wenyeh Huang & Lan Anh Nguyen,Exploring potential factors that reduce consumers’ purchase intention towards fast fashion products,2018 Global Marketing Conference at Tokyo,,Japan
2017 Lan Anh Nguyen & Wen-yeh Huang,An Empirical Study into the Influence of Transparency on Unethical Behaviors in the Workplace,46th Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference (NEDSI 2017),,USA
2017 Wenping Hsieh; Ching-Ying Yu & Wenyeh Huang,The influence of luxury car brand’s retail channel types on consumer’s purchase decisions,International Conference on Innovation and Development (16th ICTPI),,Taiwan
2016 Wen-yeh Huang,Influences of Corporate Image Congruency and Consumer Personal Values on Consumer Responses towards CSR Initiatives,31st International Congress of Psychology 2016 (ICP2016),,Japan
2015 Chia-chi Chang & Wen-yeh Huang,he Empirical Study of Relationship between Usage Behavior and Loyalty: A Case of Telecommunication Company,20th Asia-Pacific Decision Sciences Institute Conference,,China
2014 Wen-yeh Huang,Influence of Gamified Ethics Training Programs on Ethical Decision Making,The 19th Asia-Pacific Decision Sciences Institute Conference,,Japan


出版日期 書名


經費補助單位 計畫名稱 計畫執行開始日期 擔任角色
科技部 探討對零售業中不道德銷售與購買行為之認知:台灣與越南之跨文化比較 2018/08/1 主持人
科技部 快速時尚之道德爭議與消費者態度 2017/08/1 主持人
科技部 探索認知透明度對降低行銷人員不道德行為之影響 2015/08/01 主持人


年度 經歷類別 服務機關名稱 職務


獲獎年度 獲獎項目 頒發單位