2017 |
Pei-Ju Lucy Ting & Wen-Chang Fang & Ning-Yi Yang,How Annoying Is Digital Music Advertising? Users’ Reactions Toward Perceived Intrusiveness of Advertisements,2017 Summer AMA Conference,,U.S.A. |
2017 |
Pei-Ju Lucy Ting & Wen-Chang Fang & Yi-Chen Chiang,How Does Logo Display Affect Consumers’ Consumption Preference for Fashion Designer Brands?,2017 Summer AMA Conference,,U.S.A. |
2017 |
Pei-Ju Lucy Ting & Wan-Chu Chao,How to Arouse Customers' Perceived Value and Purchase Intention? The Effects of Price Presentation on Processing Fluency,2017提升競爭力與經營管理研討會,,台灣 |
2017 |
Ya-Han Chang & Pei-Ju Lucy Ting & Wen-Chang Fang,Wondering What to Buy as a Gift to Intimate Relationships? Learn How to Give to Make Yourself Happier!,2017提升競爭力與經營管理研討會,,台灣 |
2016 |
Ting, P-J L& Tsai, H-J,Corporations Public Allegations: The Buggering Effect of CSR Strategy on Consumer Skepticism,EuroMed,,Poland |
2016 |
Pei-Ju Lucy Ting and Hsin-Ju Stephie Tsai,The Buffering Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy on Consumer Skpeticism,International Conference on Innovation and Management,,Malaysia |
2016 |
Tsai, H-J, P-J L Ting & Yang, A.,The Determinants of Consumer Repurchase Intention on Green Beauty Products,EuroMed,,Poland |
2016 |
Pei-Ju Lucy Ting and Yu-Xin Lu,Why We Buy What We Buy? The Role of Centrality of Green Attributes, Products Attributes and Identity Relevance in Evaluation of the Greeness of Products,International Conference on Social Sciences, Economics and Finance,,Thailand |
2016 |
Pei-Ju Lucy Ting and Ni-Yi Yang,How Annoying are Digital Music Advertising? Users' Reactions toward Perceived Intrusiveness of Advertisements,International Conference on Social Sciences, Economics and Finance,,Thailand |
2015 |
Pei-Ju Lucy Ting and Lee-Chi Lu,Going Altruistic to be seen: Status, Product Domain, and Social Impact,8th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference,,Malaysia |
2015 |
Pei-Ju Lucy Ting and Li-Jeng Chen,When the Green is Going to Be Seen Online,8th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference,,Malaysia |
2015 |
Pei-Ju Lucy Ting and Chia-Yi Chen,The Buffering Effect of CSR Communication Strategy on Consumer Skepticism When Company Facing Allegations,8th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference,,Malaysia |
2015 |
Pei-Ju Lucy Ting and Sheng-Cyun Shih,For Renquing or Health? The Reciprocity in the Adoption of Telehealth Service Among Taiwanese Older Adults,8th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference,,Malaysia |
2014 |
Yi-Wen Wendy Chen, Pei-Ju Lucy Ting and Hsin-Ju Stephie Tsai,Continued Usage of Energy Management System: The Case Study of Zero Carbon Classroom in Shinbei Elementary School,International Conference on Innovation and Management,,Thailand |
2014 |
Shiuh-Harn Erin Tzong, Pei-Ju Lucy Ting and Helder Leite,Exploring the Relationships between Environmental Attitude, Personal Norm, Subjective Norm and Energy Consumption Behavior in Household,International Conference on Innovation and Management,,Thailand |