2024 |
Shiu-Li Huang and Yu-De Lin,Understanding Clickbait Effectiveness: A Perspective of Expectation Disconfirmation and Incongruity Resolution,Journal of e-Business,26(2),153-180 |
2024 |
Shiu-Li Huang and Yu-Ren Leau,Understanding How Consumers’ Perceived Sustainability Influences Their Continuance Intention to Use Sharing Economy Services,Sustainability,16(17),7753 |
2023 |
Shiu-Li Huang*, Huei-Ru Siao,Factors Affecting the Implementation of Online Food Delivery and Its Impact on Restaurant Performance during the COVID-19 Pandemic,Sustainability,15(16),12147 |
2023 |
Shiu-Li Huang*, Min-Shan Hung,Exploring Factors Influencing Consumers’ Participation in Online Shopping Days: Using Double 11 Day as an Example,Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce,33(3- 4),133-161 |
2023 |
Chuan-Feng Shih*, Shiu-Li Huang*, Heng-Chiang Huang,The dissemination and impacts of deceptive eWOM: a dynamic process perspective,Behaviour & Information Technology,42(8),1155-1179 |
2023 |
Shiu-Li Huang*, Yu-Min Zhao,How Uncertain Promotions Affect Inaction Inertia in an Online Retail Context,International Journal of Electronic Commerce,27(3),385-405 |
2022 |
Tung-Ching Lin, Shiu-Li Huang*, Wei-Xing Liao,Examining the antecedents of everyday rumor retransmission,Information Technology & People,35(4),51-78 |
2022 |
Shiu-Li Huang* and Jui-Lun Tsai,Understanding Online Intrusive Video Advertising: A Cognitive Absorption Perspective,Journal of e-Business,24(1),103323 |
2022 |
Shiu-Li Huang*, Jui-Lun Tsai,Understanding Online Intrusive Video Advertising: A Cognitive Absorption Perspective,Journal of e-Business,24(1),52-78 |
2022 |
Shiu-Li Huang*, Yi-Hsien Lin,Exploring consumer online purchase and search behavior: An FCB grid perspective,Asia Pacific Management Review,27(4),245-256 |
2022 |
Tung-Ching Lin, Shiu-Li Huang*, Wei-Xing Liao, Examining the antecedents of everyday rumor retransmission,Information Technology & People, 35(4),1326-1345 |
2022 |
Shiu-Li Huang*, Ya-Jung Lee,Diagnosing Service Success and Failure Incidents in the Consumer-to-Business Sharing Economy,Journal of Global Information Management,30(2),1-16 |
2021 |
Shiu-Li Huang* and Yu-De Lin,Understanding Clickbait Effectiveness: A Perspective of Expectation Disconfirmation and Incongruity Resolution,Journal of e-Business,accepted,1326-1345 |
2021 |
Tung-Ching Lin, Shiu-Li Huang*, and Lin-En Huang,Exploring IS Project Outsourcing Success: A Psychological Contract Breach Perspective,Journal of Information Management,28(1),63-100 |
2020 |
Shiu-Li Huang* and Ming-Yen Kuo,Critical Success Factors in the Sharing Economy: A Customer Perspective,Service Business,14(4),1256-1279 |
2020 |
Shiu-Li Huang* and Chih-Yu Chang,Understanding How People Select Social Networking Services: Media Trait, Social Influences and Situational Factors,Information & Management,57(6),805-825 |
2020 |
Shiu-Li Huang* and Shu-Yu Kuo,Understanding why people share in the sharing economy,Online Information Review,44(4),553-576 |
2019 |
Shiu-Li Huang* and Ya-Chu Chang,Cross-Border E-Commerce: Consumers Intention to Shop on Foreign Websites,Internet Research,29(6),124-135 |
2018 |
Tung-Ching Lin, Shiu-Li Huang*, and Shun-Chi Chiang,User Resistance to the Implementation of Information Systems: A Psychological Contract Breach Perspective,Journal of the Association for Information Systems,19(4),297-320 |
2018 |
Shiu-Li Huang* and Chieh-Ting Chen,How Consumers Become Loyal Fans on Facebook,Computers in Human Behavior,82(May),306-332 |
2017 |
Shiu-Li Huang* and Hung-Wei Chen,Understanding Online Intrusive Advertising: A Perspective of Attentional Inertia and Cognitive Engagement,International Journal of Commerce and Strategy,9(4),224-243 |
2016 |
Shiu-Li Huang* and Hsiao-Hsuan Ku,Brand Image Management for Nonprofit Organizations: Exploring the Relationships Between Websites, Brand Images and Donations,Journal of Electronic Commerce Research,17(1),215-228 |
2016 |
Shiu-Li Huang, Sheng-Cheng Lin, and Ren-Jie Hsieh,Locating Experts Using Social Media Based on Social Capital and Expertise Similarity,Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce,26(3),80-96 |
2015 |
Shiu-Li Huang* and Yi-Siou Chen,Recognizing Viewers' Affective States from Web Articles,Electronic Commerce Studies,13(2),437-460 |
2015 |
Shiu-Li Huang* and Wen-Chi Cheng,Discovering Chinese Sentence Patterns for Feature-based Opinion Summarization,Electronic Commerce Research and Applications ,14(6),195-220 |
2015 |
Tung-Ching Lin, Shiu-Li Huang*, and Chieh-Ju Hsu,A Dual-factor Model of Loyalty to IT Product – The Case of Smartphones,International Journal of Information Management,35(2),582-591 |
2014 |
Shiu-Li Huang*,The Impact of Context on Display Ad Effectiveness: Automatic Attitude Activation and Applicability,Electronic Commerce Research and Applications,13(5),599-617 |
2014 |
Tung-Ching Lin and Shiu-Li Huang*,Understanding the Determinants of Consumers' Switching Intentions in a Standards War,International Journal of Electronic Commerce,19(1),341-354 |
2014 |
Shiu-Li Huang* and Szu-Chen Chen,The Effects of Moods Induced by Webpage Content on the Effectiveness of Display Ads,Journal of e-Business,16(4),163-189 |
2012 |
Shiu-li Huang* and Jung-Hung Shiu,A User-Centric Adaptive Learning System for E-Learning 2.0,Educational Technology & Society,15(3),428-438 |
2012 |
Shiu-li Huang*, Sheng-Cheng Lin, and Yung-Chun Chan,Investigating Effectiveness and User Acceptance of Semantic Social Tagging for Knowledge Sharing,Information Processing & Management,48(4),214-225 |
2011 |
Shiu-li Huang* and Yu-hsiang Tsai,Designing a Cross-language Comparison Shopping Agent,Decision Support Systems,50(2),398-407 |
2011 |
Shiu-li Huang*,Designing Utility-based Recommender Systems for E-commerce: Evaluation of Preference Elicitation Methods,Electronic Commerce Research and Applications,10(4),4468-4478 |
2010 |
Shiu-li Huang* and Chia-yin Lin,The Search for Potentially Interesting Products in an E-Marketplace: An Agent-to-Agent Argumentation Approach,Expert Systems with Applications,37(6),111-118 |
2009 |
Shiu-li Huang* and Chia-wei Yang,Designing a Semantic Bliki System to Support Different Types of Knowledge and Adaptive Learning,Computers & Education,53(3),432-442 |
2009 |
Shiu-li Huang* and Yu-hsiang Tsai,Developing a Shopbot with Multilingual Ontology for Global E-Commerce,Journal of Internet Technology,10(2),701-712 |
2008 |
Shiu-li Huang* and Fu-ren Lin,Using Temporal-Difference Learning for Multi-Agent Bargaining,Electronic Commerce Research and Applications,7(4),285-296 |
2007 |
Shiu-li Huang* and Fu-ren Lin,The Design and Evaluation of Intelligent Sales Agent for Online Persuasion and Negotiation,Electronic Commerce Research and Applications,6(3),85-115 |
2006 |
Shiu-li Huang, Fu-ren Lin*, and Yufei Yuan,Understanding Agent-Based Online Persuasion and Bargaining Strategies: An Empirical Study,International Journal of Electronic Commerce,11(1),85-109 |
2004 |
Fu-ren Lin*, Shiu-li Huang, and Nian-shing Chen,Incremental Revision of Recommendation Rules for Information Services,e-Service Journal,3(2), |