2020 |
Wu, T. H., Chih, H. L., Lin, M. C., & Wu, Y. H.,A Data Envelopment Analysis-Based Methodology Adopting Assurance Region Approach for Measuring Corporate Social Performance,Social Indicators Research,28(2),1-36 |
2020 |
Mei-Chen Lin,When analysts encounter lottery‑like stocks: lottery‑like stocks and analyst stock recommendations,Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting,36(2),31-64 |
2020 |
林美珍、林禮遇,定錨、近期偏誤與分析師推薦評等,民國109年9月第32卷第3期,證券市場發展季刊,35(3),29-49 |
2020 |
Tai-Hsi Wu, Pei Ju Lucy Ting, Mei-Chen Lin, and Chia-Chi Chang,,Corporate Ownership and Firm Performance: A Mediating Role of Innovation Efficiency,Economics of Innovation and New Technology, Forthcoming,7(12),382-410 |
2019 |
Ming-Ti Chiang and Mei-Chen Lin,Market Sentiment and Herding in Analysts’ Stock Recommendations,North American Journal of Economics and Finance,forthcoming,165-176 |
2019 |
Me-Chen Lin and Yu-Zhen Wu,Interest conflicts, stock recommendations and investor attention,International Review of Financial Analysis,22(2), |
2019 |
Tai-Hsi Wu and Mei-Chen Lin,Relationship of CEO Inside Debt and Corporate Social Performance: A Data Envelopment Analysis Approach,Finance Research Letters,20,235-246 |
2019 |
林美珍、胡家康、楊儀專,市場模糊與投資人對於證券商推薦評等從眾行為的反應,證券市場發展季刊,forthcoming,211-221 |
2019 |
Me-Chen Lin, Po-Hsin Ho, and Hsing-Lin Chih,Effects of Managerial Overconfidence on Analyst Recommendations,Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting,42,97-127 |
2018 |
Me-Chen Lin,The effect of 52 week highs and lows on analyst stock recommendations,Accounting & Finance,, |
2018 |
林美珍、楊念慈,行為財務學與資產訂價:台灣市場之文獻回顧與展望,證券市場發展季刊,34, |
2018 |
Me-Chen Lin,The Impact of Aggregate Uncertainty on Herding in Analysts' Stock Recommendations,International Review of Financial Analysis,, |
2017 |
林美珍、劉紓含,證券商推薦評等改變與利益衝突之探討,管理與系統,, |
2017 |
Mei-Chen Lin, Chen-Yang Lin, Ming-Ti Chiang,Effects of Ambiguity in Market Reaction to Changes in Stock Recommendations,Investment Management and Financial Innovations,, |
2016 |
林美珍/張文菖,台股目標價預測準確度之探討,證券市場發展季刊,, |
2016 |
林美珍/劉紓含,證券商推薦評等改變與利益衝突之探討,管理與系統,, |
2016 |
Mei-Chen Lin/Ming-Ti Chiang,Beyond or Under Expectations? The Effect of CSR on Analyst Forecasts and Market Reactions to Earnings Announcements,International Research Journal of Applied Finance,, |
2016 |
Me-Chen Lin / Kwang-Li Yang,What Do Individual Traders of TAIEX Futures Learn from their Trading Activities?,Corporate Management Review,, |
2016 |
林美珍/温于瑩,分割目的與股權分割公司之績效,管理評論,, |
2016 |
Me-Chen Lin / Yu-Zhen Wu,Interest conflicts, stock recommendations and investor attention,International Review of Financial Analysis,, |
2015 |
Mei-Chen Lin,Seasonal affective disorder and investors’ response to earnings news,International Review of Financial Analysis,, |
2015 |
Mei-Chen Lin / Ming-Ti Chiang,Trading patterns in the TAIEX futures markets: Information- or behavioral-based trades?,Asia Pacific Management Review,, |
2014 |
Mei-Chen Lin/ Chu-Hua Wu/ Ming-Ti Chian,Investor Attention and Information Diffusion from Analyst Coverage,International Review of Financial Analysis,, |
2014 |
C. Edward Wang/Mei-Chen Lin/ Chia-Hung Yeh,Compensation Incentives, Employment Risk and Intended Risk-Taking in the Taiwan Mutual Fund Industry,Journal of Financial Studies,, |
Mei-Chen Lin/J. Jimmy Yang,Do Lottery Characteristics Matter for Analysts’ Forecast Behavior?,Quarterly Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting,Vol. 61,pp. 1057~1091 |
林美珍/林于令/王思芳/呂美惠/董孟雲,經濟政策不確定性對分析師股票推薦從眾行為的影響,證券市場發展季刊,, |
Wu, Tai‑Hsi/Lin, Mei-Chen/Ting, Pei-Ju Lucy/Huang, Jyun Yan,Do Academic Directors Matter? Evidence from Taiwan Equity Market,International Review of Finance,, |
Mei-Chen Lin,Time-Varying MAX Preference: Evidence from Revenue Announcements,Pacific-Basin Finance Journal,, |
Mei-Chen Lin/Mei-Hui Lu/Szu-Fang Wang,Anchoring on Historical High Prices and Share Repurchases: Evidence from the Taiwan Market,Journal of Financial Studies,, |
Mei-Chen Lin/J. Jimmy Yang,Do Lottery Characteristics Matter for Analysts’ Forecast Behavior?,Quarterly Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting,, |
Tai-Hsi Wu/Shi-Wei Huang/Mei-Chen Lin,Energy security performance evaluation revisited: From the perspective of the energy supply chain,Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,, |
Mei-Chen Lin/Yu-Ling Lin,Idiosyncratic Skewness and Cross-Section of Stock Returns: Evidence from Taiwan,International Review of Financial Analysis,, |
Mei-Chen Lin,Analyst Coverage and the Idiosyncratic Skewness Effect in the Taiwan Stock Market,International Review of Financial Analysis,, |
Mei-Chen Lin/Meng Ping Chou,Do Individuals and Institutions Make Different Short Selling Strategies around the 52-Week Highs?,International Review of Economics and Finance,, |