2022 |
Y. H. Hsiao and C. W. Chen,Online Review Analytics for Hotel Service Quality Diagnosis Using MTGS,10th Asia Pacific International Symposium on Advanced Reliability and Maintenance Modeling,, |
2020 |
陳心懿、李紫瑄、楊惠雯 (2020),勇於接受挑戰:好奇心對外派意願之影響及文化智商之中介效果探討,2020臺北大學企業管理學系學術研討會,,臺灣 |
2020 |
Angela Shin-yih Chen, Guo-hua Lin,Cultural Intelligence, Perceived Insider Status, and Expatriate’s Work Outcome,2020 International Conference on Business Administration - Spring Session (ICBA 2020 Spring),,Taiwan |
2019 |
陳心懿、袁芳,工作與家庭的雙角色:職家衝突對工作績效之影響及工作滿意度之中介效果探討,臺北大學企業管理學系學術研討會,,臺灣 |
2019 |
王重仁、李紫瑄、陳心懿,多變時代下的職涯準備-多元職業態度與專業承諾之關係探討,2019北商大學術論壇-國際經營與管理實務研討會,,臺灣 |
2019 |
Chen, Angela Shin-Yih, Wang,Shiou-Min, &Chiang,Tsung-Hsien,The relationship between emotional intelligence and in-role performance and the mediating role of psychological capital among nurses in Taiwan,2nd International Conference on Business Management, Social Science and Sustainable Development,,Japan |
2019 |
Chen, Angela Shin-yih, & Ko, Yuan,The relationship between cultural intelligence and in-role performance with the mediating effect of work-family positive spillover,2nd International Conference on Business Management, Social Science and Sustainable Development,,Japan |
2019 |
Chen, Angela Shin-yih & Chang, Chien-Hua,Make Friends with the World: The effects of social connectedness, culture intelligence and socioeconomic status on students' overseas life satisfaction,25th Asia-Pacific Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance & Social Sciences (AP19Taiwan Conference),,Taiwan |
2019 |
陳心懿、王重仁,斜槓人生~多元職涯態度與職涯滿意度之關係與職涯適應力之中介效果探討,臺北大學企業管理學系學術研討會,,臺灣 |
2018 |
Angela Shin-Yih, Chen & Jhuo Yun Lee,The Relationship Between Cultural Intelligence and Cross-Cultural Work Adjustment: The Moderating Effect of Family-To-Work Conflict,2018 International Conference on Human Resource Development,,Taiwan |
2018 |
Lin, Y.-C., Chen, Angela Shin-yih., & Lai, Y.-T.,Being a mentor is a matter: The relationships among career plateau, subjective well-being, and mentoring,126th Annual APA Convention,,USA |
2018 |
Amber Chih-an Bian, Angela Shin-yih Chen, & Kuo-su Huang,The Relationship among Cultural Intelligence, Individual Factors, Openness Personality, and International Geography Knowledge,2018 International Conference on Human Resource Development,,Taiwan |
2018 |
Chen, S.Y. & Lin, Y.-C.,Enough is Enough: The Moderating Effect of Multitasking on Perceived Stress and Counterproductive Work Behavior,17th Asian Conference of Academy of Human Resource Development,,Thailand |
2018 |
Chen, Angela Shin-yih, & Chen Wei Tung,The Relationship between Cultural Intelligence and Job Involvement with the Mediating Effect of PsyCap,17th Asia-Pacific Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance & Social Sciences,,Hong Kong |
2018 |
Chen, Angela Shin-yih, & Fu, Yu-Jie,The relationships between cultural intelligence and career satisfaction with the moderating effect of job autonomy,17th Asia-Pacific Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finances & Social Sciences,,Hong Kong |
2017 |
Angela Shin-Yih Chen & Pei-Yen Chen,Going Global: Investigating The Relationship Between CQ and In-role Performance with the Moderating Effect of Host Country Language Ability,International Conference on Innovation and Management,,Japan |
2017 |
Angela Shin-Yih Chen and Chieh Huang,The Relationship Between Goal Orientation and Job Involvement with the Mediating Effect of the Psychological Capital,International Conference on Innovation and Management,,Japan |
2017 |
Angela Shin-Yih Chen & Yu-Jung Chen,The Effect of Cultural Intelligence on Foreign Worker Performance in Taiwan: The Moderating Effect of International Experience,International Conference on Innovation and Management,,Japan |
2017 |
Yi-chun Lin & Angela Shin-Yih Chen,Career Crisis or Career Transition? Career plateau and Perceived Employability,Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management,,USA |
2016 |
陳心懿、邱柏仁,Support your employees: The relationship between supervisor support and career initiative with the mediating effect of psychological capital.,2016北商大學術論壇-國際經營與管理實務研討會,,TAIWAN |
2016 |
陳心懿、侯玉祥、邊明道、王秀敏,建言氣氛對正向情感經驗與變革承諾之調節效果,2016第十四屆人力資源發展國際研討會,,TAIWAN |
2016 |
陳心懿、侯玉祥、曾盈瑄,變革領導對正向情感經驗與組織承諾之調節效果,2016第十四屆人力資源發展國際研討會,,TAIWAN |
2016 |
陳心懿、吳瑞霖,來自海外的工作機會: 績效目標導向與工作績效之關係與文化智商之中介效果探討。,2016北商大學術論壇-國際經營與管理實務研討會,,TAIWAN |
2016 |
I-Chen Lee, Shin-Yih Angela Chen, Minston Chao, Lun-Hui Ho, Jhih-Chin Yang. (ICHM2016), June 26-29, 2016. Chang Gung University, Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City, Taiwan.,A study of the Relationship among Hopelessness and Turnover Intention of the Nurse Aides: the Mediating Effect of Burnout.,The International Conference on Healthcare and Management,,Taiwan |
2015 |
陳心懿、王秀敏,工作自我效能、工作投入之關係探討─跨文化適應之調節效果。,2015北商大學術論壇-國際經營與管理研討會,,TAIWAN |
2015 |
Angela Shin-yih Chen, Yi-Chun Lin & Lin, Yu-Chen.,The relationship between learning-goal orientation and cross-cultural adjustment with the mediating effect of cultural intelligence.,the 5th Annual International Conference on Human Resource Management and Professional Development in the Digital Age.,,Singapore |
2015 |
Angela Shin-yih Chen, & Lin, Yi-Ching,The relationship between self-determination and job involvement with the mediating effect of psychological capital.,the 5th Annual International Conference on Human Resource Management and Professional Development in the Digital Age.,,Singapore |
2015 |
陳宥杉、陳心懿,,探討綠色認知品質對綠色口碑效果之影響:以環保態度及綠色忠誠度為中介變數,2015年商管學術與實務研討會,,臺灣 |
2015 |
陳宥杉*、陳心懿、鍾曜駿,探討總專利數、總引證次數及專利範疇對公司市值之影響-以美國半導體產業為例,2015第十四屆北商學術論壇暨國際企業經營管理研討會,,臺灣 |
2015 |
Angela Shin-yih Chen, & Kwang, Huei-hsiu,The relationship between cultural intelligence and in-role performance, with the moderating effect of political skill: A case from the casino employees of Macau.,the 5th Annual International Conference on Human Resource Management and Professional Development in the Digital Age.,,Singapore |
2015 |
Angela Shin-Yih Chen, & Fuh Shyong Tsay,The Impact of Career Initiative on Career Satisfaction for Policemen The Moderating Effect of Political Skills,International Conference on Innovation and Management,,Japan |
2014 |
陳心懿、侯玉祥,從社會認定觀點探討組織支持、工作安全感與工作績效的關係,2014台灣科技大學管理新思維學術研討會,,臺灣 |
2014 |
Yu-Ching Chiao, Shu-Mei Hsu and Angela Shin-Yih Chen,What’s the next step when MNEs facing the host country corruption? Bribe or not?,2014台灣科技大學管理新思維學術研討會,,臺灣 |
2014 |
陳心懿、劉仲矩、葉宴伶、余嘉蕙,心理資本、情感支持、與職場無禮之相關性研究,第十二屆國際人力資源發展研討會,,臺灣 |
2014 |
陳心懿、余嘉蕙,文化智商對跨文化適應之影響,以學習目標導向為調節因子,2014臺灣商管與資訊研討會,,臺灣 |