
期刊年份 期刊名稱
2021 Angela Shin-yih Chen, Guo-hua Lin, & Hui Wen Yang,Staying connected: Effects of social connectedness, cultural intelligence, and socioeconomic status on overseas students’ life satisfaction,International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 83, 152-162. (SSCI, 2021 IF = 2.938),,
2021 Yi-chun Lin, & Angela Shin-yih Chen (2021).,Experiencing career plateau on a committed career journey: A boundary condition of career stages,Personnel Review, 50(9), 1797-1819. (SSCI, 2022 IF = 3.9).,,
2020 陳心懿、賴文豪,海外職涯新挑戰-文化智商對職涯投入影響之研究The New Challenge of Overseas Career - The Study of the Influence of Cultural Intelligence on Career Engagement,企業管理學報, 45(1), 55-89. (ABI/Scopus),,
2019 Angela S. Chen, & Yi-chun Lin,Speak to your heart: The joint moderating effects of language proficiencies on cultural intelligence and expatriates’ work performance.,Corporate Management Review, 39(1), 119-154. (TSSCI),,
2019 ,,,,
2018 Yi-chun Lin, Angela Shin-yih Chen, & Yu-ting Lai,Breach or Bridge your career? Understanding the relationship between career plateau and internal employability.,Personnel Review, 47(5), 986-1002. (SSCI, 2022 IF = 3.9),,
2017 陳心懿、鄭宇容,自我監控人格、文化智力與職涯投入之關係探討-以海外台灣工作者為例,企業管理學報, 117, 1-20. (ABI/Scopus),,
2016 Angela Shin-Yih Chen. and Yu-hsiang, Hou,The effects of ethical leadership, voice behavior and climates for innovation on creativity: A moderated mediation examination (2016).,Leadership Quarterly, 27, 1-16. (SSCI, 2020 IF = 10.517),,
2016 陳心懿、王秀敏,工作自我效能、工作投入之關係探討─跨文化適應之調節效果。,企業管理學報, 113, 91-117. (ABI/Scopus),,
2015 Angela Shin-yih Chen, Yu-hsiang Hou, and I-heng Wu.,Handling conflict at work- the impact of active and agreeable conflict styles,International Journal of Conflict Management, 27(1), 50-61. (SSCI, 2021 IF = 2.551),,
2015 Chen, A. S.,CQ at work and the impact of intercultural training: An empirical test among foreign laborers. (2015).,International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 47, 101-112. (SSCI, 2021 IF = 2.938),,
2014 林怡君、范凱棠、陳心懿、李郁澄,台灣人力資源專業人員訓練設計職能量表發展 Development of the Comprehensive Training Design Competencies for Human Resource Professionals in Taiwan,交大管理學報, 34(1), 1-36 (TSSCI),,
2014 Chen, A. S., Wu, I., & Bian, M. D.,The moderating effects of conflict management styles on the relationship between cultural intelligence and cross-cultural adjustment.,International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 14(3), 270-288. (ABI/SCOPUS),,
2014 Chen, A. S., Bian, M. D., & Hou, Y. H.,Impact of transformational leadership on subordinate's EI and work performance.,Personnel Review, 44(4), 438-453. (SSCI, 2021 IF = 3.228),,
2014 Ching-I Teng, Angela Shin-Yih Chen, Hao-Yuan Chang, Ching-Wen Fu (2014).,Service failure, time pressure, and conscientiousness of service providers: the dual processing model perspective.,Service Business, 8(4), 659-677. (SSCI, 2021 IF = 5.236),,


研討會舉行年份 論文發表篇名
2022 Y. H. Hsiao and C. W. Chen,Online Review Analytics for Hotel Service Quality Diagnosis Using MTGS,10th Asia Pacific International Symposium on Advanced Reliability and Maintenance Modeling,,
2020 陳心懿、李紫瑄、楊惠雯 (2020),勇於接受挑戰:好奇心對外派意願之影響及文化智商之中介效果探討,2020臺北大學企業管理學系學術研討會,,臺灣
2020 Angela Shin-yih Chen, Guo-hua Lin,Cultural Intelligence, Perceived Insider Status, and Expatriate’s Work Outcome,2020 International Conference on Business Administration - Spring Session (ICBA 2020 Spring),,Taiwan
2019 陳心懿、袁芳,工作與家庭的雙角色:職家衝突對工作績效之影響及工作滿意度之中介效果探討,臺北大學企業管理學系學術研討會,,臺灣
2019 王重仁、李紫瑄、陳心懿,多變時代下的職涯準備-多元職業態度與專業承諾之關係探討,2019北商大學術論壇-國際經營與管理實務研討會,,臺灣
2019 Chen, Angela Shin-Yih, Wang,Shiou-Min, &Chiang,Tsung-Hsien,The relationship between emotional intelligence and in-role performance and the mediating role of psychological capital among nurses in Taiwan,2nd International Conference on Business Management, Social Science and Sustainable Development,,Japan
2019 Chen, Angela Shin-yih, & Ko, Yuan,The relationship between cultural intelligence and in-role performance with the mediating effect of work-family positive spillover,2nd International Conference on Business Management, Social Science and Sustainable Development,,Japan
2019 Chen, Angela Shin-yih & Chang, Chien-Hua,Make Friends with the World: The effects of social connectedness, culture intelligence and socioeconomic status on students' overseas life satisfaction,25th Asia-Pacific Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance & Social Sciences (AP19Taiwan Conference),,Taiwan
2019 陳心懿、王重仁,斜槓人生~多元職涯態度與職涯滿意度之關係與職涯適應力之中介效果探討,臺北大學企業管理學系學術研討會,,臺灣
2018 Angela Shin-Yih, Chen & Jhuo Yun Lee,The Relationship Between Cultural Intelligence and Cross-Cultural Work Adjustment: The Moderating Effect of Family-To-Work Conflict,2018 International Conference on Human Resource Development,,Taiwan
2018 Lin, Y.-C., Chen, Angela Shin-yih., & Lai, Y.-T.,Being a mentor is a matter: The relationships among career plateau, subjective well-being, and mentoring,126th Annual APA Convention,,USA
2018 Amber Chih-an Bian, Angela Shin-yih Chen, & Kuo-su Huang,The Relationship among Cultural Intelligence, Individual Factors, Openness Personality, and International Geography Knowledge,2018 International Conference on Human Resource Development,,Taiwan
2018 Chen, S.Y. & Lin, Y.-C.,Enough is Enough: The Moderating Effect of Multitasking on Perceived Stress and Counterproductive Work Behavior,17th Asian Conference of Academy of Human Resource Development,,Thailand
2018 Chen, Angela Shin-yih, & Chen Wei Tung,The Relationship between Cultural Intelligence and Job Involvement with the Mediating Effect of PsyCap,17th Asia-Pacific Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance & Social Sciences,,Hong Kong
2018 Chen, Angela Shin-yih, & Fu, Yu-Jie,The relationships between cultural intelligence and career satisfaction with the moderating effect of job autonomy,17th Asia-Pacific Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finances & Social Sciences,,Hong Kong
2017 Angela Shin-Yih Chen & Pei-Yen Chen,Going Global: Investigating The Relationship Between CQ and In-role Performance with the Moderating Effect of Host Country Language Ability,International Conference on Innovation and Management,,Japan
2017 Angela Shin-Yih Chen and Chieh Huang,The Relationship Between Goal Orientation and Job Involvement with the Mediating Effect of the Psychological Capital,International Conference on Innovation and Management,,Japan
2017 Angela Shin-Yih Chen & Yu-Jung Chen,The Effect of Cultural Intelligence on Foreign Worker Performance in Taiwan: The Moderating Effect of International Experience,International Conference on Innovation and Management,,Japan
2017 Yi-chun Lin & Angela Shin-Yih Chen,Career Crisis or Career Transition? Career plateau and Perceived Employability,Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management,,USA
2016 陳心懿、邱柏仁,Support your employees: The relationship between supervisor support and career initiative with the mediating effect of psychological capital.,2016北商大學術論壇-國際經營與管理實務研討會,,TAIWAN
2016 陳心懿、侯玉祥、邊明道、王秀敏,建言氣氛對正向情感經驗與變革承諾之調節效果,2016第十四屆人力資源發展國際研討會,,TAIWAN
2016 陳心懿、侯玉祥、曾盈瑄,變革領導對正向情感經驗與組織承諾之調節效果,2016第十四屆人力資源發展國際研討會,,TAIWAN
2016 陳心懿、吳瑞霖,來自海外的工作機會: 績效目標導向與工作績效之關係與文化智商之中介效果探討。,2016北商大學術論壇-國際經營與管理實務研討會,,TAIWAN
2016 I-Chen Lee, Shin-Yih Angela Chen, Minston Chao, Lun-Hui Ho, Jhih-Chin Yang. (ICHM2016), June 26-29, 2016. Chang Gung University, Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City, Taiwan.,A study of the Relationship among Hopelessness and Turnover Intention of the Nurse Aides: the Mediating Effect of Burnout.,The International Conference on Healthcare and Management,,Taiwan
2015 陳心懿、王秀敏,工作自我效能、工作投入之關係探討─跨文化適應之調節效果。,2015北商大學術論壇-國際經營與管理研討會,,TAIWAN
2015 Angela Shin-yih Chen, Yi-Chun Lin & Lin, Yu-Chen.,The relationship between learning-goal orientation and cross-cultural adjustment with the mediating effect of cultural intelligence.,the 5th Annual International Conference on Human Resource Management and Professional Development in the Digital Age.,,Singapore
2015 Angela Shin-yih Chen, & Lin, Yi-Ching,The relationship between self-determination and job involvement with the mediating effect of psychological capital.,the 5th Annual International Conference on Human Resource Management and Professional Development in the Digital Age.,,Singapore
2015 陳宥杉、陳心懿,,探討綠色認知品質對綠色口碑效果之影響:以環保態度及綠色忠誠度為中介變數,2015年商管學術與實務研討會,,臺灣
2015 陳宥杉*、陳心懿、鍾曜駿,探討總專利數、總引證次數及專利範疇對公司市值之影響-以美國半導體產業為例,2015第十四屆北商學術論壇暨國際企業經營管理研討會,,臺灣
2015 Angela Shin-yih Chen, & Kwang, Huei-hsiu,The relationship between cultural intelligence and in-role performance, with the moderating effect of political skill: A case from the casino employees of Macau.,the 5th Annual International Conference on Human Resource Management and Professional Development in the Digital Age.,,Singapore
2015 Angela Shin-Yih Chen, & Fuh Shyong Tsay,The Impact of Career Initiative on Career Satisfaction for Policemen The Moderating Effect of Political Skills,International Conference on Innovation and Management,,Japan
2014 陳心懿、侯玉祥,從社會認定觀點探討組織支持、工作安全感與工作績效的關係,2014台灣科技大學管理新思維學術研討會,,臺灣
2014 Yu-Ching Chiao, Shu-Mei Hsu and Angela Shin-Yih Chen,What’s the next step when MNEs facing the host country corruption? Bribe or not?,2014台灣科技大學管理新思維學術研討會,,臺灣
2014 陳心懿、劉仲矩、葉宴伶、余嘉蕙,心理資本、情感支持、與職場無禮之相關性研究,第十二屆國際人力資源發展研討會,,臺灣
2014 陳心懿、余嘉蕙,文化智商對跨文化適應之影響,以學習目標導向為調節因子,2014臺灣商管與資訊研討會,,臺灣


出版日期 書名


經費補助單位 計畫名稱 計畫執行開始日期 擔任角色
跨文化心理資本與工作自主性對海外工作者文化智商與工作效能之探討 主持人 科技部 主持人
跨文化心理資本與工作自主性對海外工作者文化智商與工作效能之探討 主持人 科技部 主持人
科技部 文化智商與工作績效:心理資本及政治技巧之調節式中介模型探討 2016/08/01
科技部 勇闖海外關鍵因素: 文化智商之前因後果探討 2017/08/01
科技部 文化智商、跨文化適應、與工作投入之關係探討及跨文化訓練之調節效果 2015/08/01
科技部 跨文化心理資本與工作自主性對海外工作者文化智商與工作效能之探討 2018/08/01
科技部 自發型外派人員社會連結性之連續中介效果與工作自主性之調節式中介效果 2021/08/01 主持人
科技部 別當邊緣人:探討自發型外派人員之局內人連續中介效果與知覺組織支持之調節式中介效果 2020/08/01
國科會 文化智商與自我導向職涯態度對外派人員之職涯投入與職場幸福感的影響- 職涯適應力與心理可得性之中介效果與知覺主管支持的調節效果 2022/08/01 主持人
別當邊緣人:探討自發型外派人員之局內人連續中介效果與知覺組織支持之調節式中介效果 主持人 科技部 主持人
別當邊緣人:探討自發型外派人員之局內人連續中介效果與知覺組織支持之調節式中介效果 主持人 科技部 主持人


年度 經歷類別 服務機關名稱 職務
2016/03 學會、研討會 第10屆飛鳶盃全國商管個案競賽 評審


獲獎年度 獲獎項目 頒發單位
2018 108學年度績優導師 國立臺北大學
2015 104學年度績優導師(進修部) 國立臺北大學
111學年度 111學年度績優導師 國立台北大學
2015 指導碩士生鄺慧秀 獲研討會 Best Student Paper Award Global Science & Technology Forum (GSTF)
2016 指導碩士生林瑜真 獲 2016 TOPCO 崇越論文大賞 優等論文獎 崇越科技
2018 指導碩士生 陳瑋彤 獲TOPCO 崇越論文大賞 優等論文獎 台灣管理學會