2024 |
Jung-Kuei Hsieh/ Sushant Kumar/ Ning-Yu Ko,Re-examining the showrooming phenomenon: The moderating role of consumers’ maximizing tendency,Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistic,36 (2),334~355 |
2023 |
Jung-Kuei Hsieh/ Werner H. Kunz/Ai-Yun Wu,Virtual gifting behavior on new social media: the perspectives of the community gift-giving model and face-negotiation theory,Internet Research,33 (4),1597~1632 |
2023 |
Jung-Kuei Hsieh、 Sushant Kumar、 Yun-Chia Tang、Guan-Zhen Huang,Investigating the relationships between influencers and their followers: Moderator of human brand of influencer (HBI) phase,Electronic Commerce Research and Applications,58, |
2022 |
Jung-Kuei Hsieh, Hsiang-Tzu Li,Exploring the fit between mobile application service and application privacy,Journal of Services Marketing,36(2),264~282 |
2021 |
Sushant Kumar, Aarushi Jain, Jung-Kuei Hsieh,Impact of apps aesthetics on revisit intentions of food delivery apps: The mediating role of pleasure and arousal,Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services,63,102686 |
2020 |
Hsieh, J. K.,The effects of transforming mobile services into mobile promotions,Journal of Business Research,121,195-208 |
2020 |
Hsieh*, J. K. and Y. J. Li,Will you ever trust the review website again? The importance of source credibility,International Journal of Electronic Commerce,24(2),255-275 |
2018 |
Hsieh*, J. K. and C. Y. Tseng,Exploring social influence on hedonic buying of digital goods—online games’ virtual items,Journal of Electronic Commerce Research,19(2),164-185 |
2017 |
Hsieh, J. K.,The role of customers in co-creating m-services in the O2O model,Journal of Service Management,28(5),866-883 |
2015 |
Hsieh*, J. K. and, Y. C. Hsieh,Dialogic co-creation and service innovation performance in high-tech companies,Journal of Business Research,68(11),2266-2271 |
2014 |
Hsieh*, J. K., Y. C. Hsieh, H. C. Chiu, and Y. R. Yang,Customer Response to Web Site Atmospherics: Task-Relevant Cues, Situational Involvement and PAD,Journal of Interactive Marketing,28(3),225-236 |
2013 |
Hsieh*, J. K. and Y. C. Hsieh,Appealing to Internet-based freelance developers in smartphone application marketplaces,International Journal of Information Management,33(2),308-317 |
2013 |
Hsieh*, J. K., H. C. Chiu, C. P. Wei, H. J. Yen, and Y. C. Cheng,A practical perspective on the classification of service innovations,Journal of Services Marketing,27(5),371-384 |
2012 |
Hsieh*, J. K., Y. C. Hsieh, H. C. Chiu and Y. C. Feng,Post-adoption switching behavior for online service substitutes: A perspective of the push-pullmooring framework,Computers in Human Behavior,28(5),1912-1920 |
2012 |
Hsieh*, J. K., Y. C. Hsieh and Y. C. Tang,Exploring the disseminating behaviors of eWOM marketing: Persuasion in online video,Electronic Commerce Research,12(2),201-224 |
2012 |
Hsieh, Y. C. , J. S. Roan, A. Pant, J. K. Hsieh, W. Y. Chen, M. Lee* and H. C. Chiu,All for one but does one strategy work for all? Building consumer loyalty in multi-channel distribution,Managing Service Quality,22(3),310-335 |
2011 |
Chiu*, H. C., Y. C. Hsieh, J. S. Roan, K. J. Tseng and J. K. Hsieh,The challenge for multichannel services: Cross-channel free-riding behavior,Electronic Commerce Research and Applications,10(2),268-277 |
Jung-Kuei Hsieh,The impact of influencers’ multi-SNS use on followers’ behavioral intentions: An integration of cue consistency theory and social identity theory,Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services,74,103397 |