
期刊年份 期刊名稱
2019 Pu-Tai Yang/Chih-Yun Wu/Anarmaa Ganbat,Antecedents of Online Shopping Intention: A Cross-cultural Comparison between Taiwan and Mongolia,Tunghai Management Review,(21)1,157-190
2018 Pu-Tai Yang/Cheng-Kui Huang/Huan-Lin Chu/Yung-Ting Chuang,Discovering diverse human behavior from two-dimensional preferences,Knowledge-Based Systems,152,11-25
2018 Cheng-Kui Huang/Pu-Tai Yang/Kun-Yu Hsieh,Knowledge discovery of consensus and conflict interval-based temporal patterns: A novel group decision approach,Knowledge-Based Systems,140,201-213`
2018 Cheng-Kui Huang/Pu-Tai Yang/Jen-Hung Teng,A change detection model for the sequential cause-and-effect relationships,Decision Support Systems,106,30-43


研討會舉行年份 論文發表篇名
2020 Kai-Hao Yang/Yuxuan Song/Chih-Yun Wu/Pu-Tai Yang,An Exploratory Study of the Promotion Effectiveness of Recommender Systems,The 2020 3rd International Conference on Computers in Management and Business (ICCMB2020),Hosei University, Tokyo,Japan
2020 Chuan-Yu Wang/Yuxuan Song/Chih-Yun Wu/Pu-Tai Yang,The Moderating Effect of Artificial Intelligence Phobia on the Relationship between Trust and Product Promotion Effectiveness: An Exploratory Study,2020 the 11th International Conference on E-Education, E-Business, E-Management, and E-Learning (IC4E 2020),Ritsumeikan University, Osaka,Japan
2018 Pu-Tai Yang/Kai-Hao Yang/Ching-Chi Chen/Shwu-Min Horng,Subjective association rule mining: From point-based ranking sequence to interval-based temporal sequence,Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Big Data Management,Macau,China
2017 Pu-Tai Yang/Chih-Jui Chen,Conflict detection in interval-based temporal sequences from wireless sensor networks,International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT 2017),Singapore,Singapore
2016 Pu-Tai Yang,Mining associated ranking patterns from wireless sensor networks,International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Big Data Analytics (ETBDA 2016),Bangkok,Thailand
2015 Pu-Tai Yang/Chih-Yun Wu/Kai-Chieh Yu/Po-Wei Lin/Anarmaa Ganbat,A questionnaire on the development of green transportation acceptance,Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Science, Technology and Management (ICSTM 2015),Tokyo,Japan


出版日期 書名
2017 周瑛琪、楊溥泰、盧慶樺編著,現代統計學,全華圖書


經費補助單位 計畫名稱 計畫執行開始日期 擔任角色
科技部 建構一個新穎的分群模型:以帶有模糊強度的區間時間序列為例 2020/08/01 主持人
科技部 群眾智慧:建構以時間區間樣式為基礎的推薦系統 2015/08/01 共同主持人
科技部 設計以增強式學習機制為基的無線感測/執行網路 2014/08/01 主持人
科技部 建構一個以區間為基的時間樣式變動探勘模型 2019/08/01 主持人
科技部 序列為基礎的分類樣式之變化發覺模型 2017/08/01 共同主持人
科技部 在無線多媒體感測網路中設計最大網路壽命之路由策略 2013/08/01 主持人
科技部 從以區間為基的時間序列與偏好序列當中的共識樣式探勘 2017/08/01 主持人


年度 經歷類別 服務機關名稱 職務


獲獎年度 獲獎項目 頒發單位