2017 |
Chia-Hung Wei / Dapeng Zhang, Yue Li / Wei Wang,Fine-grained categorization based on feature selection”,The 8th International Conference on Mechatronics and Manufacturing (ICMM 2017), Tokyo, Japan, 2017,,Japan |
2017 |
Chia-Hung Wei / Shang-Wen Liu / Hsio-Yi Lin,,The Use of Zernike Moments and Principal Component Analysis for Trademark Retrieval,The International Conference on Business and Information 2017 (BAI2017),,Japan |
2016 |
Chia-Hung Wei / Chih-Ying Gwo,,Using mean-shift clustering and statistical analysis for breast mass segmentation and category,The 3rd International Conference on Engineering Technology & Application (ICETA2016),,Japan |
2015 |
C.-H. Wei / C.-Y Gwo / Y. Li,A framework of breast density estimation system for breast magnetic resonance images,International Conference on Information Science and Control Engineering 2015 (ICISCE 2015),,China |
2015 |
C.-Y. Gwo / C.-H. Wei / A.-W. Deng,Matching of feature points for moneynote fragment assembly,International Conference on Information Science and Control Engineering 2015 (ICISCE 2015),,China |
2015 |
A.-W. Deng / C.-H. Wei / C.-Y. Gwo,Algorithms for computing Zernike moments and image reconstruction in parallel process,International Conference on Information Science and Control Engineering 2015 (ICISCE 2015),,China |
2014 |
C.-H. Wei / C.-Y. Gwo,Alignment of core point for shoeprint analysis and retrieval,Information Science, Electronics and Electrical Engineering (ISEEE 2014),,Japan |
2013 |
D.-H. Chen / Y.-C., Chang / C.-H. Wei / P.-J. Huang,The correlation analysis between breast density and cancer risk factor in breast MRI images,International Symposium on Biometrics and Security Technologies (ISBST2013),,China |
2012 |
W. Wang / C.-H. Wei / Y. Li / L. Wang,An affinity based complex artificial immune system and its application on trademark retrieval,International Conference on Management and Information Engineering 2012,,China |
2012 |
W. Wang / C.-H. Wei / C.-Y. Gwo / Y. Wang,An adaptive SIFT-based paper currency fragments identification scheme,The 2nd International Conference on Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development,,China |
2012 |
W. Wang / C.-H. Wei / L. Zhang / X. Wang,Traffic-Signs Recognition System Based on Multi-Features,Proceedings of 2012 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Measurement Systems and Applications,,China |
2012 |
P.-J. Huang /J.-M. Chang / C.-H. Wei / Y. Li / C.-Y. Gwo,Should breast density be considered when designing breast cancer screen policy,The 20th International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services,,Taiwan |
2011 |
Z. Li / C.-H. Wei / Y. Li / T.-Y. Sun,Research of shoeprint image stream retrieval algorithm with scale-invariance feature transform,The 2nd International Conference on Multimedia Technology (ICMT2011),,China |
2011 |
W. Wang / C.-H. Wei / Y. Li,A complex artificial immune system and its application on trademark recognition,Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Instrumentation, Measurement,,China |
2011 |
Y. Li and C.-H. Wei,Hierarchical correlation for content-based image retrieval,Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Multimedia Technology (ICMT2011),,China |
2011 |
Y. Li / C.-H. Wei,Medical image retrieval: Multiple regression models for user’s search target,Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing (ICMLC 2011),,China |
2007 |
C.-H. Wei / Y. Li / C.-T. Li,Effective extraction of Gabor features for adaptive mammogram retrieval,Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo 2007 (ICME2007),,China |
2007 |
Y. Li / C.-T. Li / C.-H. Wei,Protection of mammograms using blind steganography and watermarking,Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Information Assurance and Security 2007 (IAS2007),,UK |
2006 |
C.-H. Wei / C.-T. Li,Learning pathological characteristics from user’s relevance feedback for content-based mammogram retrieval,Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia 2006 (ISM2006),,USA |
2006 |
C.-H. Wei / C.-T. Li,Calcification descriptor and relevance feedback learning algorithms for content-based mammogram retrieval,Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Digital Mammography 2006 (IWDM2006),,UK |
2005 |
C.-H. Wei / C.-T. Li / R. Wilson,A general framework for content-based medical image retrieval with its application to mammogram retrieval,Proceeding of SPIE International Symposium on Medical Imaging 2005 (MI2005),,USA |