







期刊年份 期刊名稱 期刊類別
2017 曹校章、鄭惠萍,澎湖國家風景區海洋運動觀光經濟效益分析。,大專體育學刊,19(1),19-33
2016 Cheng, E. H.-P., Pegg, S., & Stebbins, R.,Old bodies, young hearts: A qualitative exploration of the engagement of older male amateur rugby union players in Taiwan.,Leisure Studies,35(5),549-563
2016 Lee, D.-J., Hsieh, L.-W., & Cheng, E. H.-P.,Relationships among service quality, value, and student athlete satisfaction at Taiwan’s National Tug of War Competition,Contemporary Management Research,12(3),275-288
2016 Cheng, E. H.-P., Stebbins, R, & Packer, J.,Serious leisure among older gardeners in Australia.,Leisure Studies,doi: 10.1080/02614367.2016.1188137,
2016 Cheng E. H.-P., & Pegg, S.,If I’m not gardening, I’m not at my happiest”: exploring the positive subjective experiences derived from serious leisure gardening by older adults,World Leisure Journal,doi:10.1080/16078055.2016.1228219,
2012 高興桂、鄭惠萍,老年人運動行為對看診次數及生活品質之關係研究,運動研究,21(2),1-15
2010 Cheng, E.H.-P., Patterson, I., Packer, J., & Pegg, S.,Identifying the satisfactions derived from leisure gardening by older adults,Annals of Leisure Research,13(3),395-419
2009 Cheng, E., Patterson, I., Pegg, S., & Packer, J.,Benefits of leisure gardening for older Australians,Australasian Journal on Ageing,28,95-


研討會舉行年份 論文發表篇名
2016 Hung W.-L., Cheng, E. H.-P. & Chien, C.-I.,Leisure sport participation, leisure satisfaction, and life satisfaction of running participants,2016 International Conference on Hospitality, Leisure, Sports, and Tourism – Summer Session,Kyoto,Japan
2016 Cheng, E. H.-P., & Hsieh, L.-W.,Validation of Traditional Chinese Version of the Recovery Experience Questionnaire.,2016 International Conference on Hospitality, Leisure, Sports, and Tourism – Summer Session,Kyoto,Japan
2016 Huang H.-C., Chang S.-H., & Cheng, E. H.-P.,The association between environmental factors and physical activity in urban and rural older adults.,The 6th International Congress on Physical Activity and Public Health,Bangkok,Thailand
2016 Cheng, E. H.-P., & Hsieh, L.-W.,The moderating effects of leisure and sports participation between job stress and recovery experiences after work,2016 International Conference on Hospitality, Leisure, Sports, and Tourism – Summer Session,Kyoto,Japan
2015 Chang S.-H., Huang H.-C., Ho H.-H., & Cheng E. H.-P.,The predictive ability of physical fitness on academic performance in Chinese world: A literature review.,Paper presented at Public Health Conference 2015,Bangkok,Thailand
2015 李萃瑜、方怡堯、鄭惠萍、方佩欣、張少熙,社區型高齡者運動課程模組推動辦理成果-以103年度臺北市推動社區悠活站為例,2015全民運動暨體育政策研討會,臺北,臺灣
2015 Chang S.-H., Fang, I.-Y., Cheng, E. H.-P., Fang, P.-S., & Huang H.-C.,The influence of ecological-based multi-component exercise training programs on functional fitness and leisure-time physical activity among older adults,Paper presented at The Second Asian Conference on the Social Sciences and Sustainability,Fukuoka,Japan
2014 Cheng, E. H.- P. & Hsieh, L.- W,Explore the learning experience of university students in a leisure and sport program through a project-based learning approach: An example of initiating a running event.,2014 The 10th Asian Association of Sports Management Conference,Kaohsiung,Taiwan
2014 Hung W.- L. & Cheng, E. H.- P.,A study of the relationship between physical exercise and well-being of the elderly in Taipei.,2014 The 10th Asian Association of Sports Management Conference,Kaohsiung,Taiwan
2013 Fang, I.-Y., Chang, S-H. & Cheng, E. H.-P.,A study on the analysis of older Adults’ leisure sports participation in Taiwan.,Paper presented at The 20th IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics,Seoul,Korea
2013 Chang, S-H. , Fang, I.-Y., Chow, H.-W., & Cheng, E. H.-P.,A comparative study on older adults’ exercise policy and programmes between Taiwan and Finland.,Paper presented at the 2013 International Conference on Work, Well-being, and Wealth: Active Ageing at Work,Helsinki,Finland
2013 Fang, I.-Y., Chang, S-H. & Cheng, E. H.-P.,A study on the analysis of older Adults’ leisure sports participation in Taiwan,Paper presented at the 20th IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Seoul Korea.,Seoul,Korea
2012 梁伊傑、鄭惠萍、方佩欣、張少熙,休閒運動參與者自覺健康狀態與休閒滿意之差異性比較-以臺北市民運動中心使用者為例,2012體育運動學術團體聯合年會暨學術研討會,臺北,臺灣
2011 Cheng, E H.-P., Patterson, I., Chang, S.-H., & Liang, Y.-C.,Active and healthy ageing through serious leisure gardening,Paper presented at the 6th ICHPER-SD Asia Congress, Taipei, Taiwan,Taipei,Taiwan
2010 Cheng, E.,I am a keen gardener’: Self-identification through serious leisure gardening by older adults,,Hobart,Australia
2010 Cheng, E., Patterson, I., Packer, J., & Pegg, S,Examining the concept of serious leisure in the context of leisure gardening by older adults,,Brisbane,Australia
2010 方怡堯、呂宏進、鄭惠萍,非營利組織志工認同感之研究-以黑面琵鷺保育學會為例,,臺北,臺灣
2010 呂宏進、方怡堯、鄭惠萍,台灣閩南人傳統節日休閒活動類型與涵義之探討,,臺北,臺灣
2009 Cheng, E., Patterson, I., Pegg, S., & Packer, J.,Benefits of leisure gardening for older Australians,,Canberra,Australia


出版日期 書名


經費補助單位 計畫名稱 計畫執行開始日期 擔任角色
臺北大學 休閒參與對臺灣高齡者社會健康、老年心境與生活滿意影響之研究 2016 子計畫三主持人
科技部 休閒介入對於失智症家庭睡眠品質、身體活動量及功能性體適能之影響研究 2014 共同主持人


任職開始日期 任職結束日期 經歷類別 服務機關名稱 職務


獲獎年度 獲獎項目 頒發單位
2016 創造價值的科技研發試辦計畫—人口高齡化議題」價值提案 科技部前瞻司