期刊年份 | 期刊名稱 | 期刊類別 |
2017 | Chien, C. I. & Chen, J.,Analyzing of team-related confidence and internalization of fans in Taiwanese professional baseball,Sports and Exercise Research,19(3),243-254 | |
2017 | Chien, C. I. & Chen, J. L.,Event marketing and brand loyalty in Chinese Professional Baseball League: Brand identification as a mediator,Journal of TASSM,17(2),1-24 | |
2016 | Chen, J., & Chien, C.,The Influences of Intellectual Capital Accumulation and Balanced Scorecard Implementation on Financial Performance: Using a Moderator of Earnings Management,Journal of International Management Studies,11(1),71-81 | |
2016 | Chen, J. L. & Chien, C. I,The impact of brand concept on brand relationship in a fitness product context,Journal of International Management Studies,11(1),71-81 | |
2013 | 1. Chien, C., & Ross, S.,Identifying important spectator motives for game attendance in Taiwanese professional baseball industry.,Contemporary Management Research,9(2),137-154 | |
2012 | Walsh, P., Chien, C., & Ross, S.,Sport teams as brand extensions: A case of Taiwanese baseball (SMA 2011 award-winning paper),Sport Marketing Quarterly,21(3),138-146 | |
2012 | Chien, C., & Ross, S.,Spectator anxiety and internalization: A case of the Chinese Professional Baseball League,International Journal of Sport Management,13(1),59-72 | |
研討會舉行年份 | 論文發表篇名 |
2016 | Hung, W., Cheng, E., & Chien, C.,Leisure sport participation, leisure satisfaction, and life satisfaction of running participants,2016 ICHLST Conference,Kyoto,Japan |
2016 | Chien, C. & Chen, J.,An examination of event marketing effects on fan loyalty through brand identification,2016 ICHLST Conference,Kyoto,Japan |
2014 | Chen,J., & Chien,C.,Is event marketing limited to consumers’ loyalty in participatory sport? Try brand positioning!,2014 AASM Conference,,Kaohsiung,Taiwan |
2014 | 謝緯達、張舜德、簡志宜,運動社群網站經營模式之探討,2013年休閒與運動產業管理學術研討會,Kaohsiung,Taiwan |
2011 | Walsh, P., Chien, C., & Ross, S. D.,Sport teams as brand extensions: A case of Taiwanese baseball (2011 SMA Best Paper Award),2011 Sport Marketing Association SMA IX Annual Conference,Houston (Texas),USA |
2011 | Chien, C., & Huang, Y. T.,Examining team-directed confidence and BIRGing/CORFing tendencies of Taiwanese professional baseball fans,2011 AASM Conference,Ulaanbaatar,Mangolia |
2009 | Chien, C. & Ross, S.,Spectator anxiety and self-esteem--A case of 2008 Taiwanese Professional Baseball Series,2009 North American Society for Sport Management Conference,Columbia (South Carolina),USA |
2006 | Chien, C. & Ross, S.,A Comparison of motives among psychologically committed Taiwanese professional baseball fans.,2006 North American Society for Sport Management Conference.,Kansas City (Missouri),USA |
出版日期 | 書名 | 暫時沒有資料。 |
經費補助單位 | 計畫名稱 | 計畫執行開始日期 | 擔任角色 | 暫時沒有資料。 |
任職開始日期 | 任職結束日期 | 經歷類別 | 服務機關名稱 | 職務 | 暫時沒有資料。 |
獲獎年度 | 獲獎項目 | 頒發單位 | 暫時沒有資料。 |