2021 |
Hui-Chin Wu, Ai-Lun Yang, Yue-Shan Chang, Yu-Hsiang Chan, Satheesh Abimannan,The process and platform for predicting pm2.5 inhalation and retention during exercise,Processes,9(11), |
2019 |
吳慧卿,以關係行銷觀點探討職業運動之企業社會責任,臺灣體育運動管理季刊,(43),41-54 |
2016 |
Hui-Chin Wu & Yue-Shan Chang,Using cloud-based mobile learning for practiceoriented education,Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers,39(6),755-764 |
2015 |
Shihteng Chiu, Chiahuei Hsiao,& Huichin Wu,Measuring Pitchers’Performance Using Data Envelopment Analysis with Advanced Statistics,Contemporary Management Research,11(4),351-384 |
2015 |
Hui-Chin Wu,A study on relationship of volunteer motivation and organizational commitment of sport volunteers in Taiwan,Journal of Taiwan Society for Sport Management.,15(1),67-88 |
2013 |
Wei-Ting Hsu, Kou-Hsien, Wu, Yi-Ching Wang, Chia-Huei Hsiao, & Hui-Chin Wu,Autonomy and structure can enhance motivation of volunteers in sport organizations,Journal of Perceptual & Motor Skills,117(3),709-719 |
2012 |
Mei-Chuan Hung, Mei-Hui Kuo, & Hui-chin Wu,The Effects of perception ofcoaches’ leadership, team cohesion, and intrinsic motivation among table tennis players of college open.,Journal of Physical Education National University of Tainan,6,91-106 |
2012 |
Mei-Chuan Hung, Chin-Hsien Hsu, & Hui-chin Wu,A Study of the correlation among perceived coach leadership behavior, collegiate table tennis players’team cohesion, team culture, and team efficiency,Journal of Physical Education National University of Tainan,7,48-63 |
2012 |
游鈞合、吳慧卿,以人力資源觀點分析臺北市大同運動中心球館部教練管理現況,臺灣體育運動管理季刊,18,3-12 |
2009 |
吳慧卿,職業棒球觀賞動機量表之驗證,大專體育學刊,11(4),81-94 |
2009 |
Li-Wen Hsieh, Hui-Chin Wu,Examination of spectating motivation scale for professional baseball games,Journal of Sport & Exercise Research,11(4),81-94 |
2009 |
吳慧卿,2007年大專運動會志願服務人員參與動機、考量因素之研究,台灣體育運動管理學報,8,75-89 |
2007 |
吳慧卿,運動團隊衝突之研究,台灣體育運動管理學報,5,25-44 |
2007 |
吳慧卿,臺灣地區體育與非體育系大學生參與運動志願服務之研究,體育學報,40(4),91-104 |
2006 |
吳慧卿,大學體育相關科系學生運動志願服務工作參與動機及考量因素之研究,台灣體育運動管理學報,4,169-194 |
2005 |
吳慧卿,台灣地區大學生體育志願服務工作參與動機與考量因素之研究,體育學報,38(4),93-108 |
2003 |
吳慧卿、鄭志富,選手知覺教練領導行為、團隊衝突、團隊凝聚力與滿意度關係之研究,台灣體育運動管理學報,2,124-147 |
2002 |
吳慧卿,團隊衝突對選手滿意度之影響初探,中華體育季刊,16(4),68-74 |
2002 |
吳慧卿,大學校院桌球選手滿意度與團凝聚力關係之研究,成大體育研究集刊,7,61-73 |
2001 |
吳慧卿,凝聚力與運動團隊,成大體育,35,61-65 |
1998 |
吳慧卿,運動組織衝突與因應策略初探,中華體育季刊,12(2),15-25 |