期刊年份 | 期刊名稱 | 期刊類別 |
2021 | Chen, J. L. & Wang, S. W.,The influence of brand positioning and event marketing on brand loyalty-The mediation roles of brand identification and brand personality: The case of spectator sport,Journal of Business Administration,Vol.46 No.4,PP.47~66 | |
2017 | Chien, C. I. & Chen, J. L.,Analyzing of team-related confidence and internalization of fans in Taiwanese professional baseball,Sports and Exercise Research,19(3),243-254 | |
2017 | Chien, C. I. & Chen, J. L.,Event marketing and brand loyalty in Chinese Professional Baseball League: Brand identification as a mediator.,Journal of TASSM,17(2),1-24 | |
2016 | Chen, J.L. & Chien, C. I.,The impact of brand concept on brand relationship in a fitness product context.,Journal of International Management Studies(ABI),11(1),71-81 | |
2016 | Chen, T. Y., Liu, H. H., Chen, J. L. & Yang, N. Y,Exploratory analysis of the impact of experiential marketing and limited-edition product marketing to consumer’s perception: a case of smartphone industry,International Journal of Commerce and Strategy,8(4),283-300 | |
2016 | Chen, J.L., & Hsieh, L.,品牌定位對棒壘球用具消費族群態度忠誠與行為忠誠的強化效果,行銷評論,13,37-62 | |
2016 | Chen, T. Y., Chen. J. L. & Li, Y. S.,Exploring the impact of consumer trust on inertia purchase from e-purchasing environment(Accepted),Electronic Commerce Studies,, | |
2016 | Chen, J. L.,Using appropriate brand strategy to enhance brand trust in fitness exercise product among women,台灣體育運動管理學報(Journal of TASSM),16(1),1-25 | |
2016 | Chen, J. L. &Chen, T. Y.,Using brand positioning to enhance consumers’loyalty in participatory sport event,Soochow journal of economics and business,93,25-51 | |
2013 | Hsieh, L., & Chen, J.,Improving student participation in campus fitness activities: Effectiveness of a university's free-use policy,World Leisure Journal,55(2),138-150 | |
研討會舉行年份 | 論文發表篇名 |
2015 | 陳建榮,謝立文,運用合適的品牌策略強化女性運動品牌之品牌信任,第15屆台灣體育運動管理學會國際學術研討會,新北市,臺灣 |
2014 | Chen,Jin-Long, Chien,Chih-I,Is Event Marketing Limited to Consumers’ Loyalty in Participatory Sport? Try Brand Positioning!,The 10th ASIAN ASSOCIATION OF SPORTS MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE,Kaohsiung,Taiwan |
2012 | Chen, Jin-Long,Is brand reposition strategy effective to consumers' loyalty: the case of spectator sports,2012The TAIWAN ASSOCIATION OF SPORTS MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE,New Taipei City,Taiwan |
2010 | Chen,Jin-Long,Participant,2010The TAIWAN ASSOCIATION OF SPORTS MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE,Taipei,Taiwan |
2010 | Chen, Jin-Long,Building a Sturdy Fan Base: Examining the Influence of Managerial Factors on Team Identification,The 6th ASIAN ASSOCIATION OF SPORTS MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE,Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia |
2008 | Chen,Jin-Long,Participant,2008 The TAIWAN ASSOCIATION OF SPORTS MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE,Taipei,Taiwan |
2006 | Chen, Jin-Long,The Development of a Scale to Measure Managerial Factors Affecting Team Identification.,The 4th Sport Marketing Association (SMA) Conference,Denver,USA |
2005 | Hsiao, R., Han, J., Chen, J. L., & Ha, J. H.,Risk Management Manual: The Best Solution for Potential Risk in Aquatics.,The 20th North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) Conference,Regina,Canada |
2005 | Hsiao, R., Chen, J. L., & Ha, J. H,The“Best-Fit Model”: The Answer to Safer Aquatic Management?,The 18th Sport and Recreation Law Association (SRLA) Conference,Virginia Beach,USA |
2004 | Han, K.S., Chen, J. L., & Chung, T. W.,Motivation of International Students for Football Games.,The 55th Annual Florida Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Conference,Orlando,USA |
2004 | Chen, J. L., Hsiao, R & Wang, S. W.,The Practice of Risk Management in Fitness Center: A Case Study in Fitness Centers in Taipei, Taiwan,,The 17th Sport and Recreation Law Association(SRLA),Las Vegas,USA |
出版日期 | 書名 | 暫時沒有資料。 |
經費補助單位 | 計畫名稱 | 計畫執行開始日期 | 擔任角色 | 暫時沒有資料。 |
任職開始日期 | 任職結束日期 | 經歷類別 | 服務機關名稱 | 職務 | 暫時沒有資料。 |
獲獎年度 | 獲獎項目 | 頒發單位 |
2012 | 教學績優教師 | 台北大學 |