2020 |
Hsu, K. Y., Fu, H. P., Lin, A. J., & Ou, T. Y.,Factor analysis of SMEs entering foreign markets: The case of Taiwanese SMEs in Vietnam,European Journal of International Management,14(3),524-550 |
SSCI, Impact Factor: 2.145 |
2020 |
Xie, Y., Yu, H., Lei, X., & Lin, A. J.,The impact of fertility policy on the actuarial balance of China’s urban employee basic medical insurance fund–The selective two-child policy vs. the universal two-child policy,The North American Journal of Economics and Finance,53,101-212 |
SSCI, Impact Factor: 1.37 |
2020 |
Lin, A. J., & Chang, H. Y.,Volatility transmission from equity, bulk shipping, and commodity markets to oil ETF and energy fund—A GARCH-MIDAS model,Mathematics,8(9),15-34 |
SCI, Impact Factor: 1.747 |
2020 |
Chen, F., Hsu, C. L., Lin, A. J., & Li, H. ,Holding risky financial assets and subjective wellbeing: Empirical evidence from China,The North American Journal of Economics and Finance ,54,101-142 |
SSCI, Impact Factor: 1.37 |
2019 |
Lin, A. J., & Chang, H. Y.,Business sustainability performance evaluation for taiwanese banks—A hybrid multiple-criteria decision-making approach.,Sustainability ,11(8),22-36 |
SSCI, Impact Factor: 2.576 |
2019 |
Lin, A. J., Chang, H. Y., & Hsiao, J. L.,Does the Baltic Dry Index drive volatility spillovers in the commodities, currency, or stock markets?,Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review ,127, 265-283 |
SSCI, Impact Factor: 4.69 |
2019 |
Hsiao, J. L., Lin, A. C., Wang, C., & Ho, S. J.,The Impact of Foreign Investor Sentiment on Taiwan's Stock and Futures Markets,財務金融學刊,27(1),105-158 |
2018 |
Arthur J. Lin, Eldon Li, Shih-Yang Lee,Dysfunctional customer behavior in cross border e-commerce: A justice-affect-behavior model,Journal of Electronic Commerce Research,19(1),36-54 |
SSCI, Impact Factor: 2.33 |
2018 |
Lin, Arthur, Chang, T.H, Fu, H-P, Yeh, H.P, Hsu, K.Y. and Tsai, H.Y.,Analysis of the CSFs affecting Project Execution: A Case Application,Total Quality Management & Business Excellence,29(7-8),848-865 |
SSCI, Impact Factor: 2.922 |
2015 |
Fu, H. P., Chang, T. H., Shieh, L. F., Lin, A., & Lin, S.,Applying DEA–BPN to enhance the explanatory power of performance measurement.,Systems Research and Behavioral Science,32(6),707-720 |
SSCI.IF: 1.26 |
2015 |
Hsin-Pin Fu, Tien-Hsiang Chang, Arthur Lin, Sheng-Wei Lin& Chao-Han Chien,Applying FSE to enhance customer value by improving store image in different consumer group,Total Quality Management & Business Excellence,32(6),707-720 |
2015 |
Hsin-Pin Fu, Tien-Hsiang chang, Arthur Lin, Zi-Jun Du, Kui-Ying Hsu,Key factors for the Adoption of RFID in the Logistics industry in Taiwan,The International Journal of Logistics Management,26(1),61-81 |
2015 |
Hsu, C. L., & Lin, A. J.,The effect of community identity on continuance intention of microblogging.,International journal of electronic business,10(4),355-382 |
EI |
2014 |
Li, E. Y., Tsai, T. T. H., & Lin, A. J,Do psychological contract and organizational citizenship behavior affect organizational performance in non-profit organizations?,Chinese Management Studies,8(3),397~417 |
SSCI.IF: 1.036 |
2014 |
LIN, Arthur J.; HSU, Chien-Lung; LI, Eldon Y.,Improving the effectiveness of experiential decisions by recommendation systems.,Expert Systems with Applications,41(1),4904-4914 |
SCI. IF: 5.452 |
2012 |
Tsai, T. T., Lin, A. J., & Chin, K. Y.,Study on Web Users Loyalty Effected by Different Computer Expertise Levels.,Journal of Computers,23(1),25-34 |
EI |
2011 |
LIN, Arthur J.; HSU, Chien-Lung; TSAI, Tsui-Hsu.,The influences of national images on marketing performance: A mediated model link.,International Journal of Electronic Business Management,9(3),171 |
EI |
2011 |
HSU, Chien-Lung; CHIU, Kuang-Hui; LIN, Arthur J.,Connections between corporate social responsibility and corporation image: Risk society as the moderator.,臺大管理論叢,21(2),33 |
2011 |
Lin, A. J., Hsu, C. L., & Tsai, T. H.,The influences of national images on marketing performance: A mediated model link.,International Journal of Electronic Business Management,9(3),171 |
EI |
2010 |
Kai-Yi Chin, Guo-Ming Fang, Zeng-Wei Hong, Jim-Min Lin, and Arthur J. Lin.,Framework and Applications of an Interactive Scenario-Based Agent System.,International Transactions on Systems Science and Applications,6(1),13-25 |
2008 |
Jen-Te Hwang, Arthur Lin.,The Framework and Developments of Risk-based Supervision,台灣金融財務季刊,9(2),99-130 |
2007 |
Guo-Ming Fang, Kai-Yi Chin, Xui-Hui Yan, Jim-Min Lin, And Arthur Lin.,A Framework for Interactive Scenario-Based Multi-Agent Systems.,System and Information Sciences Notes,1(2),159-164 |
2006 |
袁賢銘、林志敏、林靖、林鍾洋,台電供應商關係管理導入可行研究。台電工程月刊,台電工程月刊,第696期,64-86 |
2006 |
Chin, K. Y., Lin, J. M., Hong, Z. W., Lin, C. W., & Lin, A.,An architecture for an Internet Marketing Multi-Agent System using AUML.,Multiagent and Grid Systems,2(4),413-433 |
2005 |
蔡進發、黃國安、葛維鈞、林志敏、林靖、張信生,台電保全事業營運規劃之研究,台電工程月刊,第682期,122-146 |
2003 |
Arthur J. Lin, Yung-ching Ho, and Shu-chin Huang.,An application of Fisher Separation Theorem to the Transfer of Technology,The Journal of Management Development,None, |
2002 |
楊靜芳、賴其勛、林靖,員工對民營化的認知與態度之研究—以中國石油公司為例,大葉學報,11(2),7~15 |
2001 |
林靖、賴其勛、蔡翠旭、簡倍祥,台灣創業投資事業之控制策略及其先行因子之研究,技管理學刊,6(1),71~102 |
2001 |
林靖、張重昭,歐洲MNC 在台策略聯盟之控制策略及其使用情境之研究,亞太社會科技學報,1(1), |